Some button designs of KnY characters. Cannot wait to finish thisnseries and go to the next 💖

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" I can hear your heartbeat so clearly.. "

" Do you know that ? "

" ..Pretty fast isn't it ? "

แต่งค่ะ 💘💝

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Три дня работы, а мне нравятся только эти фрагменты 😂

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Hola hice a una akane, esta bien pesiosa alv ME COSTO UN HUEVO hasta el patron porque 100%hech por mi porque no encontre los patrones HASDKAHSKDJ AY aun así ame hacerla.

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Just a small joke comic based on some joking conversations in my anime campaign style game that my friend is gm of.

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Un dibujo en honor a nuestro amadisimo Tanjiro que Diosito lo tenga en su santa gloria ;;;

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-Food at last!! Kami-sama thank you!!!😭😭🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️
-Eat normally and stop crying! 💢💢

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