Finally made some Fjord and Jester fanart during yesterday’s stream.

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Next up is a teeny baby 😍 its taken 2 days but I'm pretty happy with this one, I hope you like it also :)

10 37

Joining into happiest 3 years to the and all those that have brought them to life!! I may have been a late comer to watching C1, but have been with C2 since the start! and boy has it been amazing!!

2 11

Three years of Mighty Nein you say? I think I can contribute some pictures towards that goodness!
Caleb -
Nott - Kittiofdoom
Mollymauk - Gahstly1 (IG)
Jester -

5 24

Some Fjorester love bc they are very sweet ( with a tiny Sprinkle hidden in there bc poor bb also deserves some love )

9 56

Met a new friend today on while getting aquatinted with

Caduceus is 's character from Campaign 2 of Critical Role.

2 18

Happy holidays! From one government official to a certain group of eccentric adventurers

6 46

this scene just kinda got stuck in my head idk

I mean, I'm like years behind, but I had to put it out there

3 22

I want more shoulder floof, floof to Fjord ratio needs to go waaay up. I need him to be more floof than man.

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