“Hey what the hell are you doing.”

35 289

"I have a low tolerance for nonsense"


🦑- "Old Enough"
🦑- 5'7
🦑- Inkling
🦑- Bi with no lean
🦑- N(SFW)

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🦑More Info Below🦑

💜+ 🔄

🎨@/miiilkystars @/LazyOctoling 3rd

30 61

“I respect my mother above all else, to me, my father is a fool.”

30 34

“Good morning, Everyone!”

💗New Sakura on the block.
💗Ships: ????
💗Friendly writer.
💗No art is owned.
💗Bi -No lean-

9 11

The morning... always nice hearing the bird chirping and the nice sunrise over the horizon but she always has morning wood and today was no different. She suddenly sits on the reader's chest, her precum dripping onto their face hoping it'd wake them up


21 105

"Me and Fubuki were out and found a stray cat in a park. It was pretty cute."


10 43

A stand user of cold deduction yet warm and alluring beauty.

Celine Daralis and her stand Arcturus make the unthinkable happen.

🌓 Part 3 and onward
🌔 Lewd/Non Lewd RP (with Chem)
🌕 Ships with Chem
🌖 Not new to RP
🌗 Mun is 20+
🌘 Matches Detail.

13 16

🔫 Pico 🔫

“Go Pico, Yeah Yeah~”

♥️ & 🔁 ?

52 118

'You want me to help you? Well, what's in it for me~?'

🪓Not new to character
🪓5+years of RP experience
🪓Okay with Aware or Unaware
🪓Open to size RP suggestions
🪓Current setting Hilda: School year
🪓Very Approachable

9 38

“Impress me and i mite give you s good score, cant say i will give you a good one”

Rt and like also put your muse

//bangwagon have fun

39 125

'What a great day for the beach, the sun is shining, the waves are flowing, all that's missing is some cute boys~'

'Sadly all i see are girls here today, what a shame...'

*I'd stand in the sand barefoot and look out into the ocean*

4 34

Welcome to the world of Pokesluts!!! Here people and pokemon live in harmony, in more ways than one. Today Lillie starts her journey into the wonderous world. Let's see what happens.

38 112

"Don't think I won't kick your ass, cuz I will."

🦑Asher, "Ash", "Demon" by Oxal
🦑"Old Enough"
🦑Bi, very slight female lean
🦑N/SFW RP is allowed


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more info below

6 10

“Today is the first time I have ever been outside of those ruins, time to see what the world has to offer.”

Dark/Mature Themes

Semi-Detailed RP
Selective lewd

17 28

comment a pic of your muse for a rating on whether or not Oxal would chill out with you or maybe more...

🧡& 🔄 to get a rating, 4+ ratings can DM
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4 10

//remember when I said i have 5 ocs?

as of 2 days ago that's now a lie

Introducing Wisteria, a femboy and snarky one at that. And now for some quick notes about him!

🟣Blunt, will tell you if you're a good time or not.

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0 2

🔮// Hanako sighed as she sat down next to the reader, resting a hand on their shoulder, she smiled softly and giggled.

"You seem like something bothering you dear... how may I assist? I am a nun, confess to me. Tell me your woes.. this is a safe place, okay~?"

12 59


“ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!” What have you all got me? Since it’s my birthday I’ll accept any gift no matter how BIG or how small just give me a gift that I can enjoy”

18 59