인디게임 <When The Past Was Around>

₩ 8,500

스위치, PS4, Xbox One, 스팀

사랑과 포기 그리고 기쁨과 고통 사이에 있는 모든 것에 대해 다루는 게임입니다.

20대 초반의 소녀 에다의 이야기입니다.
그녀 또래의 다른 사람들처럼, 그녀는 길을 잃었죠.

올빼미를 만나기 전까진 말이에요.

572 353

? Vc tem problema véi não e todo mundo que tem um ps4, mais a maioria da galera tem um celular pra jogar among us. E tlou e ghost n sei se vc sabe eles terminam tem uma história que ACABA. Eu amo tlou mais né nada a ver isso aí brow kkkkk.

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🐸Name: Casey/Cakey
🐸Pronouns: He/Him
🐸Age: 30
🐸Sign: Leo
🐸Games: Pokemon Y, Spider-Man PS4, Bloodborne
🐸Movies: Akira, Spider-Man 2, Shaun of the Dead
🐸Shows: Archer, Demon Slayer, Farscape

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Hogwarts Legacy announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and PC https://t.co/2BpHlDR5dQ

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The Raji: An Ancient Epic Launch counter has started!

If you are new here, Raji: An Ancient Epic is going to launch on the PC, PS4, and Xbox One on the 15th of October.

Release date trailer: https://t.co/bBXDDouPeC
PC users can wishlist us on Steam: https://t.co/OvprE7sLrI

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– A découvrir ce très sympa Court-Métrage "TRAQUÉ" (7 minutes) ❗️ La flotte de la Nouvelle République frappe les Chantiers navals impériaux de Var-Shaa.

Le jeu sera disponible le 2 octobre 2020 sur PS4, Xbox One et PC.

👉 https://t.co/sRpZQiehfH

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Le tactical RPG Warsaw arrive le 1er octobre sur Nintendo Switch (le 29 septembre sur PS4, le 2 octobre sur Xbox One) https://t.co/yEweMEMuzI

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Scott Pilgrim vs The World : The Game - Complete Edition revient en fin d'année sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, PC et Stadia, aucun des créateurs originaux impliqué dans la réédition selon les révélations de Bryan Lee O'Malley https://t.co/Q198mtcOXv

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition will come to PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Stadia, and PC this holiday after being unavailable to purchase since 2014. https://t.co/jDZrcfk60P

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Side-scrolling adventure game Guild of Darksteel announced for PS4, Switch, and PC https://t.co/dI4FN7Uui3

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Already out on and and its relaxing aesthetic are now available on featuring all your faves from the classic manga and anime series!

PS4 Launch Trailer: https://t.co/IDrEc4CjIo

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Lack is in charge of the character design and illustrations for Maglam Lord (PS4, Swtich - 202X):

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Onee Chanbara Origin launches for PS4, PC on September 24 in Asia https://t.co/1pnWXoOqdF

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💜Prize is a Steam, or PS4, or Xbox gift card of 50$/20$/10$ for 1st/2nd/3rd

Ways to Receive a Raffle Ticket:
🌟Follow on Twitch
🌟Sub & Gifted Subs
🌟Every 5 Dollars donated
🌟Retweet and like and comment


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인디게임 <CARRION>


스위치, PS4, Xbox One, 스팀

미지의 무정형 생물로서 플레이 하게 되는 역 공포 게임입니다. 시설 전체에 공포와 공황을 퍼뜨리기 위해 인간들을 스토킹하고 집어 삼키세요. 시설을 파괴하고 보복을 이어가며 점점 더 파괴적인 능력을 얻기 위해 성장하고 진화하세요.

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Le simulateur de vol et de tir spatial Rebel Galaxy Outlaw fixé au 22 septembre sur Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One et Steam https://t.co/SNET31BLJY

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Console [KON-sohl] = (n.) control panel; game machine (e.g., PS4, Xbox, Switch)

Console [kuhn-SOHL] = (v.) to comfort

Jo’s pals tried to *console* [kuhn-SOHL] one another by playing co-op on their *console* [KON-sohl]. 😭🎮

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Thank you to the team for having me do the box art illustration for Nexomon: Extinction! Nexomon: Extinction released on August 28 and is available on Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox1, Windows and Mac. Go try it out!

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