Eu comecei a ver She-Ra e ler Emperor and Female Knight.
E aqui ta o motivo pq eu me apaixonei por essas obras. Buff Girls. Como diria Spike Spiegel: I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass.

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“I would, hypothetically, suggest Spike Spiegel” “I would also hypothetically, request (and second) Spike Spiegel”
lanky man. proportions wrong but its already been 40 min. am terrible person and have never seen the show despite knowin i’d love it oops

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あれは別にただ出てきて驚かせてくる系だからそんなでもない🥺多分前に数回話した事ある気がするけどSPIEGEL EIとかドキドキ文芸部みたいなプレイヤーに語りかけて来るタイプがキツい

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「SPIEGEL EI」とんでもなく深くて濃いゲームでした...面白かった...

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Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop) + Opa-Opa (Zillion) + Pen Pen (Evangelion) + Doraemon

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party rockerz in tha hous tonight

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I’ve been listening The Real Folk Blues on loop. Spike Spiegel is still one of the coolest anime character ever 💙

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I apparently haven't posted Linebeck Spiegel yet, I thank for this idea.

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The next Let's Paint should be up tomorrow & this week we're painting Spike Spiegel. Until then..

See you space cowboy...

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"I love a girl that can kick my ass"- Spike Spiegel. Plus Velvet and Aya are in my favorite Jrpg protagonists

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"If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pictures that expose your taste in women."

I have two distinct preferences, shy as fuck or in the words of Spike Spiegel "I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass"

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“Vivo en un sueño del cual no consigo despertar” 😴

Spike Spiegel de 💥

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