# analogartistdigitalworld covid_19 illustrator illustrativejournalist sketch_daily sketchbook illustration art orlando florida centralflorida floridaart forsale stopthespread savelives 100dayproject sciart draw mentalhealth selfcare saturdaythoughts stress happyvalentinesday バレンタイン 義理チョコ 本命チョコ バレンタインイラスト valentine drawing ワイン wine 手作りチョコ 手作りバレンタイン 絵師さんと繋がりたい イラスト好きさんと繋がりたい ネイルモデル コスメ購入品 popart チョコ ナイキ スニーカーイラスト イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい スニーカー好きな人と繋がりたい nike おうち時間 塗り絵 筆ペン スニーカーぬり絵 今私にできること デジタル塗り絵 valentinesday valentinesday2021 valentinesdayathome valentinstagdaheim valentinstagzuhause melbournelockdown maskup acrylic painting acrylicpainting abstract abstractart abstractexpressionism contemporaryart indykeepscreating indyartist 絵描きさんと繋がりたい 塗り絵好きな人と繋がりたい 塗り絵ブック おはようvtuber おやすみvtuber vtuber療養中 vtuber準備中 電子書籍作業中 カスタムキャスト いらすとぐらむ イラストグラム いらすと イラスト お絵描き おえかき らくがき 落書き pop カラフル colorful illust girl 女の子 おんなのこ cute えかきさんと繋がりたい elizabetholsen evanpeters wandamaximoff pietromaximoff scarletwitch quicksilver wandavision lordmesaart clipstudiopaint snowinthenortheast workplacewellbeing borohour carlislehour codurhamhour gatesheadhour newcastlehour shieldshour teesidehour tynemouthhour tnehub neconnect nefollowers staysafe protectthenhs bhfyp covid19 ontario onpoli stayhomesavelives うちで過ごそう 家で過ごそう vocaloid 初音ミク hatsunemiku mikuworldgallery fanart lockdownuk lockdown covid uklockdown coronavirus lockdownlife uk stressdoodle stressdoodling stayhomeanddrawspaceships
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Day 14 Art, Psychology, Neuroscience.
Prompt: Stress.
Combination of cortisol (stress hormone) and muscle imagery. Be kind to yourselves ❤️

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Inspired by the song "Toothpase kisses" by The Maccabees💖
Valentine's Day at home with MAja and Johannes!💕

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The final cartoon of my made in response to our brand new which is screwing up everyone's Valentines plans (and hopefully preventing a 3rd... or is it 4th?... wave). ❤️

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New Strain Hurricane. https://t.co/eiXS7ravLg The surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks.

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as the variant ramps up does the opposite, again. Ford puts Ontarians health at risk by opening up the economy, or so he says 🤷‍♂️ who the hell knows!?!? so confusing

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Andrew Storrie
22” x 15”


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