画質 高画質

Eae, sou julia, 15 anos. Faço uns desenhos aí e tento aprimorar a cada dia. Se gostou, segue aí(posto mais no insta) ( ˘ ³˘)


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Hey we at are working on a point and click called Strangeland. Drawn by the wonderful it's like Darkseid meets Sanitarium. We are the devs behind Primordia! Here's some screenies

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A risen 'loth? We yugoloths are the paragons of primal, primordial evil, predating mortals and gods alike. I refuse to acknowledge that such a thing could possibly exist, which is precisely how I feel about that stupid magic shop owner in the Lower Ward! *SCOFF*

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Continuing my adventure through memory lane! I should draw more of Persona fanart, the whole franchise is filled with primo boys! 😤

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🌸Mayumi, 22 anos, Brasil🌸
Desenho por diversão, busco aprimorar minhas habilidades para vender minhas artes. Super fã de Sonic e FMA. Mais voltada para jogos da Nintendo.
Todo ano troco de assinatura e gosto de comer tomate.
☘️Desenhos recentes estão aqui🍀

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La copertina del primo capitolo della mini-serie "Cashman - il guerriero risparmiatore".

"Quasi tutte le opere di - 9 Aprile 2019: https://t.co/T3R05ybBJh

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meu nome é Julia, aqui são alguns dos meus rabiscos e eu to tentando aprimorar minha arte a cada dia. To atras de uma mesa pq eu n aguento mais o mouse.
quem quiser segue(no insta tb msm user)

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yo today's Gumroad Day??? consider buying one of my mini comics if you haven't already! they're pretty good, I think! they won't be taking fees out of creator's revenue so this'll be a primo time to buy! rts are also appreciated! 👀✨


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Trigger warning!


Artwork by Bri

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Takhia Shuurga, a bloodrager who line was blessed by a lesser Primordial storm cockatrice. He's spent his life not knowing where his power comes from or what it all entails. He's 6'7 with an intimidation check to back it up. My page also has an amazing commission of him!

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I laboratori regalano un sacco di divertenti chicche!
Felice primo aprile!
Buon lunedì!


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He traducido este material al español. Cartas de objetos para D&D 5e, diseñadas por Paul Weber. Las cartas tienen el tamaño de las cartas Magic, así que pueden usarse micas o forros sin problema para protegerlas. Yo las imprimo en papel glasse 300 gr. (1/2)

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【ラキド関連書籍】『由良UltraPack!! PRIMO PIATTO』『由良UltraPack!! SECONDO PIATTO』2冊セットが残りわずか。特典は描き下ろしイラストを使用したブロマイド!本日発売『ラッキードッグ1+badegg 公式ビジュアルファンブック』と合わせてよろしくお願いいたします。 https://t.co/wqK1LSfeTK

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【ラキド関連書籍】由良×ラキド本シリーズ、好評発売中『由良UltraPack!! PRIMO PIATTO』『由良UltraPack!! SECONDO PIATTO』2冊セットをお買い上げ頂くと、 由良描き下ろしイラストを使用した大判ブロマイドをプレゼント!https://t.co/wqK1LSfeTK  

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Quattro settimane di "Dragon Ball Super - Broly" in Italia e gli incassi, anche se ora lentamente, continuano ad avanzare. Il primo mese effettivo di proiezione è alle porte!

🔗 https://t.co/SXebrSQqjn

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Maguuma -- My Mae & 's Sylvari painted by /u/PrimordialTrade

Would you look at that texture? And the colors?! I'm so happy with how this came out, we put a lot of creative trust in PrimordialTrade and it paid off! 💖

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【ラキド関連書籍】由良×ラキド本シリーズ、好評発売中『由良UltraPack!! PRIMO PIATTO』『由良UltraPack!! SECONDO PIATTO』2冊セットをお買い上げ頂くと、 由良描き下ろしイラストを使用した大判ブロマイドをプレゼント!https://t.co/wqK1LSfeTK   

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Art in an art 😍💖💗

Papa Du and Primo 💖💝💘

Thank you again !

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is a primordial god, the creator of , the god of Death. At least he was betrayed by other gods afraid of his power / Rt's always appreciated//
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Shaygoyle on Patreon https://t.co/I7nj2DGVRc (2018)

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