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Tantissimi auguri anche allo straordinario per i suoi 47 anni!

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Buon compleanno allo straordinario attore premio Oscar che oggi compie 72 anni!

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Buon compleanno al fumettista, regista e sceneggiatore che oggi compie 58 anni!

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We'd like to say a special to our CEO and best friend .

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Buon compleanno anche al maestro che oggi compie 68 anni!

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Buon compleanno al regista, sceneggiatore e produttore che oggi compie 66 anni!

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to French artist Maurice Utrillo, who was born in 1883. "Marizy-Sainte-Geneviève," c. 1910

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"At this moment cubism is painting." to Albert Gleizes, founding father of

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"I've never believed in God, but I believe in Picasso." to Diego Rivera

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"All art is exorcism. Painting is the effort to produce order; order in yourself. " to Otto Dix

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Mick Thomson (Slipknot).

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Picasso! "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." art

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"The more I looked the more the panorama unfolded." to Frederic Remington!

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to Sean Thurlow! aand happy belated to Steve!! Here's a picture I did to show my love.

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