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@pit_ebooks_ @UnitychanE @darkpit_ebooks Pit... my feelings... they’re being tormented by Hades! The only way... we can stop him... is with love!
@lenaddict_ Are you referring to Pit, Pitoo, and I? Oh, thank you for noticing! I feel flattered.
@pit_ebooks_ @darkpit_ebooks Great job, Pit. We’ve eradicated some of the hate among the humans. The world is one step closer to coming to peace.
@pit_ebooks_ @darkpit_ebooks Now now, you two don’t want to face my wrath, now do you?
We all have our strengths and weaknesses. I’d have to say that a bigger issue is that Pit can’t fly
@matteascorner This had to be the most work I've pit into my art this year! I love how it came out too~
#サンボマスター #四星球 #10FEET 出演✨
#キン肉マンカーニバル2019 ファミリーマート先行受付中😎‼️
2019/2/9(土) 東京・チームスマイル・豊洲PIT
✔️先行受付は12/17(月) 23:59まで!
#キン肉マン #肉の日
Some MadaKaka for yall, because once you’ve fallen into the pit you don’t come back.
#letthetumblrexodusbegin #madakaka #nsfw #fanart
a group of snakes is called many things. a den. a nest. a knot. shirogane, shinguuji and toujou. a pit. a bed. rattlesnakes can be a coil or a rhumba. and on this episode of national geographic,
Here! Have a lil genderbent Pit while you play #SuperSmashBrothersUltimate XD
D結成15周年 メジャー10周年Year Grand Final 12月21日(金) 豊洲PIT 指定席でご来場の方にプレゼントされるD史上初の組曲「狂王」(未発表曲) アートワーク公開 & 収録曲詳細解禁!通常盤の発売も決定!
Me encanta el personaje de Pit, así que para el collab organizado por @CrazyCartoonStd hice cosplay de él y Miruubot tiene un nuevo amigo :D
Pueden ver a todos los bellos artistas que participaron por aquí
✨ #SuperSmashBrosUltimateCollab ✨
12/21~23 新宿PIT INNでの冬のぶりぶり
【News】D、豊洲PITでの結成15周年メジャー10周年Year Grand Final 指定席来場者プレゼントの組曲「狂王」アートワーク公開&収録曲詳細解禁!通常盤の発売も決定!https://t.co/hTr8O9JtgK #Vif #D