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If you don't nothing ever happens at all.
— John Green

Pochi Chan RT https://t.co/Mm4k4XoEIN

4 7

If you don't nothing ever happens at all.
— John Green

Pochi Chan

126 216

RTW Writing is all about the characters for me. Plot is what happens to them along the way. -Wrtr https://t.co/OXlHoJUPSI

0 0

Workin' hard, nearly done. Story is unfolding beautifully.

3 30

Bleeding my soul dry
into a chapter that my heart
didn't want to revisit...

27 48

Just when I thought I'd perfected procrastination...

3 6

It is easier to travel through space in reality than in our mind. It is physics against fantasy

5 4

Be happy with who you are, the writer and the person. Find your writing voice. Keep writing till you do.

35 56

Audio cover reveal! Can't wait for this upcoming release!

9 5

Quiet writing time it's a luxury to an author. ...Keep Writing. Your writing ideas come when they are ready.

104 183

Those are some immaculate...chain details...

WIP for Red by Tristan Qu

3 8

As a Writer, I Can Escape to a Fantastic World that I Control. https://t.co/Zr7YVfe5HW

7 8

"Fairy tales since the beginning... have been “a means to conquer the terrors of mankind through metaphor" (Jack Zipes).

33 62