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This trend is very nice, I love it. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
si te gusta deja tu retweet y comentario ( ˘ ³˘)♥

12 46

Really loving this meme right now. Lots of colorful and happy vibes going on! Expressions are so much fun.

1 7

Apparently the trend is circulating again? Who starts these things lol

3 49

finally jumping on the bandwagon, tried to limit it to 9 different characters

5 10

didn't know whether to join I don't really have that many faces to offer sadghgjha
they're all over the place too, but here you go

6 17

1. I don’t have a consistent art style
2. I need to draw more face expressions
3. Giorno line

1 5

Tengo el same face syndrom 1na disculpa🤧
El año pasado no tenía los suficientes dibujos decentes para hacerlo asi que estoy orgullosa de mi misma por poder publicarlo este año ;;

0 6

Hmm I like pink and drawing girls 😬 💖

0 1

Siempre me entero tarde para los challenges que surgen por aquí. Así que, ¡sas!, mi ~

0 5

I've never done one of these before, so I'm doing one now! Enjoy some faces!

0 6

consistent art style? dont know her

9 15

Can I join too 👀 mainly pics from 2020 but squeezed one from 2019 in cause i ran out LOL

4 49