I Aped in a few days ago. Loving this so far! What a vibe and supportive family we have here! The 🟨#YellowArmy🟨 is really a thing that moves the community on! So where are my fellow Let’s see if I can find you.

20 133

web2 me vs web3 me 🔥😉

6 64

Yo yellow fellas .. where you at?

At 987 followers, can you all get me over 1000?

18 160

Alright yellow tribe I need to step up my Twitter followers. Who wouldn’t want to follow this guy?

23 178

Lets go, finally joined the army after some lurking 🟨💛#YellowArmy

28 289

gm frens

Are you ready for 0xfrens?👽

0x Gang will have extra perks🟨
So, if you hold 0x Apes or any 0x collection

Don't forget to show it on comments below👇

5 24

As you know, I already have one ape.

BUT if this tweet gets 🍑150 RT🍑, I'm getting another 0xApes

Show me what you got,

144 301

There's the YELLOW revolution happening. 🧡
Be on the right side of history.
Or be left behind.

2 18

Does this ape follow ape thing really work?

17 131

Vibing as I pick up this top 50 rank

10 177

Following every single person who replies with

21 163

If you are new in space and not sure what rising project to join. is most likely no.1 on that list! Amazing heart welcoming community with such diverse members all driven by passion for the same flight 🚀 its hard to put it in to words..💛#0xApes

5 50

0x Gang are you ready for 0xfrens?

Expansion of Frens universe👽

If you're from gang show your Apes in the comment and someone might get lucky😉

Follow & RT🚨

We are watching the early supporters👀
They will be rewarded🎁

6 14