민트 후드집업아이템 획득! 그의 속마음 오픈♥

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Oh, today's !!! Love the saga, and the new trailer rocks. Remember my artwork of from a year ago :D

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Some of my Mass Effect drawrings!

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I don't have much time for this but... Care for a Ryde(r)? - WIP

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To celebrate I will mostly be worshiping my favourite psychotic bitch in the Galaxy, Aria T'Loak. That is all.

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Happy Here are some of my fav Mass Effect pieces from my art files 😆😆

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happy ,i miss u Commander Sheppard!!

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Waiting for this Andromeda trailer to drop like

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Happy N7 Day to my fellow Mass Effect fans around the world.

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Happy !! The excitement is too real

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Happy to fans around the world and to all Commander Shepards everywhere! (Thanks to Kougar Vakarian for the fan art!)

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today! New trailer is tomorrow. :3

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this is very not finished but shepard for !!!!

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A look at the making of the painting I'll be showcasing on Tuesday!

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