me and did a small switcharound! ✌️ my boy rei from appmon!!
mado→fuumi; fuumi→mado ✨

13 23

Appmon’s staff really loves shoutmon pose

24 42

The awakening of Appmon God!
A miracle?!
I'm waiting anxiously!

111 154

Et de toute façon, ça été officialiser que les Appmon sont des Digimon

4 4

Every time I see Appmon, I'm more interested in technology topics, the A.I. And other related things , like Gatchmon(?) !☆ ~('▽^人)

65 117

Navi Shimada
Your true ninja/ranger/appmon/kamen uwu

9 21

Let's go to the aquarium, Haru!

23 41

appmon doodle

35 65


75 119


40 67

Everyone in the appmon fandom right now

38 46

Custom Appli Drive DUO - Pairing: Charismon

Nicht das beste, aber joa... xD

0 2

just listened to the appmon char song snippets! i think my bro and i had the same reaction to rei's song

71 118

Waiting quietly (as Auramon-chan ::3) the next chapter of appmon!
I hope she transmit tranquility to all!

4 12