Decided to try a little something new and draw 2 characters from another one of my Favorite SEGA Franchises. Here's Baby AiAi and Baby MeeMee <3

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Bon anniversaire Aiai ! C'est toi la star ! <3

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Sonic will be joining AiAi & Co. in Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD! They can also join forces in Sega Heroes!
(Available for iOS/Android) I drew them monkeying around.

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Made another concept for AiAi in Smash Bros.

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Not giving up on AiAi for Here's a stock image for him

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Madfestの花スタンドのメッセージブックのため へのイラストを描きさせて頂きました!!イベントに行かなかったのですがAiaiが自分の出身地に来て頂いたので愛を込めて描きました!オーストラリアはいかがでしたでしょうか?よかったらまだ来てください!💕

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Aiai and her experience as mediator between sisters:

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花スタンドのために、このFlamme/Wasser衣装の友希那/ のイラストを描かせていただきました!✨

I was happy to draw this illustration of Yukina/AiAi in their Flamme/Wasser outfit for a flower stand to AiAi at Madfest Melbourne! ✨

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aiai FP2級勉強中さん()からブラックサンダー5つ、コーヒー1つ、私からコーヒー4つ追加して抽選で10名にプレゼント🎁

ピアノで弾きたい曲教えてください! 来年春のピアノコンクールの参考にしたいです クラシックでもディズニーでもジブリでも可🐯◎!


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It's Wednesday, 8 o'clock in the morning in Japan.
Bananas have a good balance of nutrients necessary for the body, mainly carbohydrates!
# Let'sEatBananasForBreakfast and do our best today!

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This is a good time to say that you should play Super Monkey Ball 2 for Nintendo Gamecube. You can also get Super Monkey Ball Deluxe for Xbox if you want both 1 and 2. You can either emulate the game or buy it. And don't forget to stan AiAi

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Aiai esses jovens rsrsrsrs

(sigam o que ele que desenhou essa bodega kkk)

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Good evening everyone! I really like Aiai, her voice is just something else, it's so powerful and it'll make you pay attention.
Anyway have some Aiai meme!

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If AiAi from Super Monkey Ball joined Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, I think these would be his color palettes

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She's a little lighter than AiAi and has superior jumping ability. She's also an all-rounder, but if you focus on jumping ability, let's choose her!

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