The Large Magellanic Cloud is a galaxy.

📸: Holger Weber,🌍: Namibia

29 87

A few Hubble palettes from last few years all captured under S Norfolk skies
NGC2244, IC1805, IC 1396 and Sh 2 155

75 239

Noisy as f*ck... I know...
I'll redo this image from the desert in the near future...
Orion nebula, the brightest nebula in the night sky.

0 10

Ready to hang finger-painted Space Art looking for a new home.
60cm square on a deep edge canvas.
International Shipping.

14 36

My longest integration yet. 62 hours on the Cave Nebula.

55 217


0 17

Deep Sky Astrophotography. A hobby that combines so much what we love, and what we need. What is it?

33 180

Rising niselt I the sky now, Horsehesd Orion a favourite for me.

49 234

New work-in-progress. 90cm square canvas. 2 days in to this one and it's starting to take shape.

5 31

Finger-painted SciArt - why not hang a chunk of Space on your wall?! :)

7 26

Star death is beautiful! Messier 27 (the Dumbbell Nebula) in Vulpecula. Nikon D90, 21x3 mins, ISO800 on the Meade LX10 8 inch. If you look closely you can see the central star...soon to become a white dwarf!

22 61

Rosette 3 ways , Hubble, Bi colour and HaRGB

58 159

'Ground Control To Major Tom'
'And The Stars Look Very Different Today'
'Far Above The World'
'And May God's Love Be With You'
Finger-painted Space Art - Bowie inspired titles seemed just right :)

6 18

Good Night Twitter World friends 😍

pic via Ian Carruthers Photography

20 72

Rosette Nevula, a Bi colour image Ha,O3 and Synth Green

52 177

This is the Triangulum Galaxy I took last week. 3 million light years from earth.

5 19

Stargazing at its finest in the Chilean mountains.

Nikon D850 with Nikon AF-S 8-15mm f/3.5-4.5E ED Fisheye

19 103