Do you remember Virginia Hankins from our spring 2017 Warriors & Goddesses issue? Virginia is a bona fide one of the few featured in The Mermaid Handbook, and she's come out with her own gorgeous mermaid tome. We had to ask her about her book.

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as a bona fide sword lesbian, i couldn’t resist doing ‘s lovely ! ⚔️💜

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I had just finished a scar chart...and then the score happened and I had to update it.

Lou's looking like a bona fide hardened criminal with all the scars they've acquired in the past few months. Before this, they didn't have a mark on them aside from the neck stuff

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Bona niiit, mañana la acabo va O.O

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꿈꾸는 대로 이루어지길 바라며..

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🍸📚Atenció: bona proposta per a clubs de lectura i per a cocteleries. De Via Cultura|s LV.

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นี่ไม่ได้ชิปอึนโบเป็นคู่หลักนะ แต่ยอมรับว่ารูปsetนี้คือแบบอืม สุดจิง ไอ่ตอไม่เบาเรย

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Quin parell que has triat, doncs... Perquè jo, aquestes coses... Ara bé, la part bona és que si m'enganxes fent dibuixos i esbossos... 😉

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Bona dan Rong Rong sebatduls

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Bona domenega with a portrait of a Venetian noble by Paolo Veronese. This was a member of the Soranzo family on of the ruling class who ran the Venetian Republic from 1297–1797.

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the clown from movie" It", art by Michael Bona, colors by me. Pm me if you need colors.

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Pel fred... res millor que una bona tassa de xocolata calenta!☕
Para el frío ...nada mejor que ¡un buen chocolate!☕

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1. Balkirsh (Bride Stories, Kaoru Mori, publicat per Norma): va a cavall de cabra per penya-sengats i té molt bona punteria amb l'arc i les fletxes.

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Undead wolf bone dragon. New sona. A bona? *eyeroll* idk lol
It's this little mew's bedtime *yaaaawn*

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It's Lady Lakitu, serving you bona-fide pole!

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Sending love to everyone else who is feeling at once affirmed and also deeply triggered by this Weinstein shit. Ke ya le bona. Ke ya le rata

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