Tried new brush and to draw Adrien wearing something else because, damn, he is a model and designer's son?? Also drew Marinette with more asian features again, bc I love it

43 299

I normally don’t take requests but I got a hilarious one suggesting Ladybug wearing mom jeans, so I couldn’t resist 😂

30 365

Everything is the same, but I tried to draw Marinette with more asian features from her mother's side (like it was in old concepts).. plus Marinette in traditional chinese dress? Yep💗

127 671

I got commissioned to draw adult Ladybug wearing her costume from the fanfic “New Beginnings” by Hellbreaker0234 ( I always looooove drawing grownup LB 😍

59 466

She is beauty, she is grace (・ωー)~☆

(and she falls flat on her face)┏( ᐛ )┛

50 432


182 878

Super fun commission of aged up Lukanette for the ridiculously sweet and amazing 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I’m such a sucker for Lukanette you guys, SENDHELP.

240 1172