Hippocampal Formations- inspired equally by the and by satellite images of erosion patterns in the Jordanian desert. The patterns of the paths of least resistance, nature is A few prints still available https://t.co/f2ty0sj38e

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Erosion -
When I cannot carve out enough time to draw or paint, I still try to doodle. Some of the imagery I find most compelling comes out of those absent-minded sketches, and then it's about developing it further.

0 7

Out yesterday rough weather and of the made for a blustery set of

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: We release the Global data at 25km resolution in ESDAC: https://t.co/8tMk8d660P. Modelers and policy makers are invited to download the soil erosion data (2012, 2001) and the input factors. More info about the data: https://t.co/5A0LZPeW6A

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with our erosion & Deposition concepts presented this week...

3 8

Finished this Unseelie Fae themed piece in time for Halloween, so it's going up! You know what's really scary tho? The erosion of human rights at the hands of an unchecked republican oligarchy! Plz vote! https://t.co/iiUVqbkb2p

10 44

Rocks, watercolour and the resulting collagraph experiments exploring colour and textures.

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A new era in soil erosion modelling? and I propose for the first time the introduction of biological factor into soil erosion models

We also present six lines of research to nurture "soil erosion ecology"

Now out on : https://t.co/UYpVWqfDxA

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Day 7 of More astonishing rock formations from the Asturian coast

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