Correggio, volta della Camera della Badessa, ex Monastero di San Paolo (1518-19), Parma

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"The Assumption of the Virgin" (1530), Correggio (Italia) - Manerismo

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wip commish lewd takao of arpeggio

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Rest in peace Leggio & Mesh. Thank you for all your years of service with

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ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL - FILM 1 - Chronique sur mon mon blog :

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Featured Anime ~~ Exclusive screening: Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova- Cadenza

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Mai Fuchigami will be at main stage as part of Featured Anime: Arpeggio of Blue Steel -Ars Nova- Cadenza.

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Antonio da – Assunzione della Vergine. Il centro della cupola (1524-30)

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Antonio Allegri detto il Correggio moriva il 5 marzo nell'omonima cittadina nel 1534.

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This week ( r ) live in Italy at Btomic LaSpezia and Dinamo Reggio Emilia, Info at

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ARPEGGIO OF BLUE STEEL, vol.3 / Ark Performance ($12.99) On sale January 20!

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La bella Takao de Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio - Ars Nova... ^^

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"The Assumption of the Virgin" (1530), Correggio (Italia) - Manerismo

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Probably the best Arpeggio fanart I've ever seen, found this on /a/ by the way.

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