How Six Made Their Way in the World

It is a Grimms' fairy tale about an ex-soldier and his five companions with special abilities who through their feats obtain all of the king's wealth.

East-German stamps from 1977 art

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This is a tough one. I think I'll have to go with Secret Six from & for launching an incredibly amazing run. But my second place would go to Green Lantern by & Doug Mahnke, just for the Dex-Starr origin backup.

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Nikolay "Torpedo" Romanov

Um ex-soldado e exímio pugilista da marinha soviética em meio a 2a Grande Guerra Mundial. Após uma noite de bebedeira, por motivos completamente misteriosos, acorda em um mundo completamente diferente de sua antiga pátria mãe.

4 8

Un féroce ex-soldat et une chasseuse Aïnou chevronnée démarrent une chasse au trésor effrénée, mais ils ne seront pas les seuls sur le coup. Que le meilleur gagne : Golden Kamui

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1 1

Callie House was a leader of the National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty and Pension Association, one of THE FIRST organizations to campaign for for slavery in the U.S.Podcast link >

54 72

[EX-SR]三宮 美雪(對魔忍)
MAX 攻擊力: 2637
MAX 防禦力: 6619
MAX 技能效果: 防禦牌組的隊員和隊長沒有魔族時我方全體防禦力+37%

繪師: Asahi
聲優: Haruyama Iroha

3 10

My Neutral-trying-to-be-Good Brite Figter KaDe (Kay-Dee)

Ex-smuggler who joined the military, reexamining her priorities in life. Has a pet rat (any rat that ends up in her home) named Crumbs.

Hobby Brewer and loves to party! Lots of unresolved issues from childhood. ATTITUDE!

0 1

I was inspired to go back and compare these donor maps (ex-Sanders) from the NYT; summer 2019 vs. end of 2019.

Warren's broad strength and Biden's weakness are visible.

48 92

MG Ex-Sガンダム、あとはスマートガンとデカールで完成ですね(*´ω`*)

14 33


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319 959

This is G3-Kartanael, though he prefers just being called G3

He's a ex-soldier from [T̷H̶A̷T̴ ̷P̵L̵A̶C̷E̸] but was for some reason thrown out and scrapped.

He met Violet at a familiar junkyard whilst his past came back to bite him (though that's a story for another time)

7 17

[EX-SR] [Golem] Gran (Demon)
Max ATK: 6745
Max DEF: : 2635
Max Skill: Increases ATK of ally Demon by 50%.

ill: Mikoyan
VA: Sakura Momoka

8 63

And she's done! I bet you didn't think she was covered in scars, but as a ex-slave, it'd be strange if she didn't!

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Sometimes your Ex-SAO kid just decides to vibe with the void!!! With a little Die-For-You as a treat. Someone tell her that the skirt is a liability. Please.

5 15

開けるたびに体が硬直してしまう。 こんなのMGサイズEX-S以来のランナーやぞ!

2 34

[EX-SR] Cecilia Cello (UFS)
Max ATK: 6758
Max DEF: 2640
Max Skill: Increases the ATK of ally UFS by 45% when the ATK Deck is arranged only with UFS cards.

ill: Asahi
VA: Tamiyasu Tomoe

18 79

3弾 Ex-sガンダム

センチネルからは唯一の投入 MK-IVまでいるんだしVも入れてよかったのではと思わなくもない
×装備があるから強い 変形しても強い


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