Anna Freud musste gewusst haben, dass ihr Plan ein Himmelfahrtskommando war. Dass ein Attentat auf Adolf Hitler nur dann gelingen würde, wenn sie ihm so nahe kommt, dass ihr selbst kein Fluchtweg mehr bleibt. Vielleicht wollte sie ihm auch noch einmal in…

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Y'all already know what day it is.... it is 4/20 my dudes

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im offended that twitter is censoring my backs and not the hitlers

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"For all we care, those prehistoric Stone Age culture barbarians and art-stutterers can return to the caves of their ancestors and there can apply their primitive international scratching." Adolf Hitler on modern art. !

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Me declaro Franquista, Hitlerista y Stalinista

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Hitler no era él mejor de los pintores y aún así su trabajo le da mil vueltas al arte moderno.

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There is never not a reason to tweet icons punching Hitler.

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Travel back in time to defeat the Romans, spy on Hitler's forces and solve Ancient Greek mysteries with your best friends in our terrific historical fiction books!
Now all grouped in one super handy place!

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Every Wednesday morning all students spend the first part of the day being read to & engaging in a class reader. With a variety of key texts, from 1984 to WHEN HITLER STOLE PINK RABBIT, we look forward to Wednesday mornings!

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Hey, remember that time I randomly got Adolf Hitler as a waifu from waifu bot? Me neither.

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Jesse Owens (1913-80)
1936: Jeux Olympiques de Berlin
4 médailles d'or (100 m+200 m+4 x100 m+saut longueur), dvt Hitler et ls caméras de Leni Riefenstahl.
Période ségrégationniste aux EU.
A son retour de Berlin, Owens n'est pas reçu à la maison Blanche com ses coéquipiers blancs

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Hitler when everyone declared war on Germany after he invaded Poland

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Un portrait saisissant d'Hitler à retrouver aux ->

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Esta vez SÍ, NETFLIX: Mercenarios armados con gatos, Hitler muriendo de diferentes maneras en realidades alternativas o una civilización dentro de un congelador. LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS es una macarrada producida por David Fincher y Miller que emula el espíritu loco de HEAVY METAL.

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第12SS装甲師団“ヒトラーユーゲント” (12. SS-Panzer-Division Hitlerjugend)よりドイツ海軍 (Kriegsmarine) に回されて来た特別任務専門のベッカー君。何時も水着でいる。シャチよりも速く泳ぎ、どんなに重い水圧にも耐えられ、酸素無しで丸一日海の中にいられる程の化物染みた能力を持つ。

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Kollwitz was the first woman accepted to the Prussian Academy of Arts, later receiving the order ‘Pour le Mérite’ from the Academy of Sciences and Arts. Upon Hitler’s rise to power, and her opposition, she was excluded from the Prussian Academy

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Depuis Tweetdeck, on ne comprend absolument pas le rapport entre ton tweet et l'image random de Hitler avec des oreilles de lapin. Rofl. x'D
Mais du coup, ouais, "Outstanding move" de leur part. x'DD

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Sketch of background -
Sketch of Bendy Hitler - Me
Effects and flower petals - Me

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La vraie d'Hitler racontée sous forme de bande dessinée animalière. Fallait oser. Et c'est réussi

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