Lunara Dead Stars

... I always thought it was sad and wrong, but what can change a person who carries out orders like a robot. Maybe I'm a robot?

4 10

まず星座擬人化創作kosmos talesから、オリオン座のペスカと蠍座のヴェレー
前世は神話通りにオリオンとそれを殺した蠍からなる2人で、互いに致命傷を与えているが為に神話時代は共倒れで死んでいます そして、ヴェレーの目の痣やペスカの横脇の穴のような黒い傷跡は、その神話時代の名残とも言えます

1 15

standees/paperdolls/bookmark/whatever 😂
Ready for KOSMOS: The first Kpop Boygroup fest this weekend

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Drip Drop and Kosmos Casilius.

1 4

Halo, Kosmos!

Akhir-akhir ini kami pendiam ya? Tenang, diam bukan berarti tidak kerja kok. Dan kami sudah mulai beraksi lagi sekarang!

Kalau penasaran apa yang kami lakukan sekarang, coba baca komik pendek ini ya

6 3

Cora Harper Mass Effect Andromeda Initiation

Very inspired by the book Mass Effect Andromeda Initiation. Fanart to one of the scenes from the book.

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All living are afraid of death.

We kill to eat their meat. Do not you think it's immoral, then what do we do with those who also have a soul?

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Hai Kosmos! Kabar gembira! Komik sekarang akan ada asosiasinya! (pssst, hari ini!) Cekidot

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ぺすべれちゃん( ^ω^)・・・

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“Gaze of Space” by Eva Kosmos

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