So off they went together
to view the gallery.
Miffy was excited -
I wonder what we’ll see.

5 37

Play pass-the-parcel with Miffy to celebrate her birthday – just RT this post! Tag your friends and invite them to play too!

65 76

To celebrate her birthday, Miffy's playing pass-the-parcel. She'd love for you to join in!

33 94

みっふぃーちゃん おたんじょうび おめでと

69 390

HelloKitty Miffy

51 140

Miffy's looking for a new penpal - sign up here!

8 69

Mrs Bunny cleaned the house
and kept it snug and neat
and then she’d do her shopping
from the shops along the street.

5 36

Did you grow those yourself, Miffy?

14 69

Miffy loves to visit the penguins at the zoo!

24 95

Peek-a-boo, Miffy! Just pop the cards together to create your very own Miffy wall art!

14 84

A cool commission from LemLem97
My sissy Miffy bought it for me, since I drew her something sweet.

0 1

Carrots are Miffy's favourite snack!

30 98

Oh no, what's wrong Miffy?

57 254

Are you and Melanie having a sleepover, Miffy?

35 196

Miffy loves growing flowers in her garden!

34 126