Sam’s kindness made me an obsessenach. He seems to be always looking to help others or giving a comforting smile to the fans...I’m grateful for it too, because admiration of him, lead me to my favorite books, my best friends, MPC. My vote:

7 51

goes above and beyond, being kind to fans. It was seeing how considerate he was, when talking to fans, that made me admire him. That lead me to read my favorite books, meet my best friends, I’m very grateful ❤️! Thank you, you make the world a better place.

5 57

설정이 어떻게 정해지느냐에 따라 헬멧커 MPC로 나올수도 있는 떡대범고래수인 헬멧캐

31 163


13 60

My new watercolor painting of the Scottish Highlands ❤️. I can’t wait for the podcast! 5 and ’s Bees! Thank you all for all you do! I’m so grateful for The Outlander family and my friends who share the love of it all.

36 482

엔딩난지 이미 3개월이지만...MPC 마태오.

6 29

🍨 [MPC] 유선고 오케스트라부 부장, 피아노 파트 연노을.

58 10

📚첫번째 MPC가 공개 되었습니다.📚

"나는 지금 이 순간 개강해졌어."

7 1

Hi Spanish Peakers! You probably know my friend Maria. I was sorry I couldn't make it to Scotland, but LOVED seeing all your fun pics and videos. Thank you Sam and MPC and everyone in you inspire in so many ways. 💙

2 61

Amazing Barb! 🙌🏼 Happy birthday! ❤️ I love this community of supportive people in Sam, I think your kindness and how hardworking you are, inspires us all, thank you!

0 37

42. MPC 전신이엇는데 나도모르게 힘 ㅈㄴ들어가버린,.,.,.,.,.,.,. 이름은 바스타드엿고 칵테일바에서 일하는중이다.

0 6

🎮MPC '테오 카펠라'를 공개합니다.

2 6

MPC 뛰고 옴 ~~ 빅샤
로그 패워 0801

3 6

mpc 오퍼레이터 리유유 오너입니다!모두 수고많으셨어요!!기력 딸려서 리유 못그렸당...우리 덕캐들 꽃길만 겆자ㅠㅠㅠ

3 5


1 21

📎순수마법부서장 [MPC]페퍼, 반갑습니다.

언제나와 같이 능률적 하루를 기대하겠습니다.

4 4

📎마법부장 [MPC]프레이, 반갑습니다.

언제나와 같이 능률적 하루를 기대하겠습니다.

4 4