Preteen Meg was such a art weeb and current Meg is the same but more expressive 💕✨

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Preteen me vs me now

-lost weight

-got gayer

-became less of a bitch

-certified whore now

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preteen me vs now
still gay, i just got a personality

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Preteen me vs me now

I was an emo ass motherfucker back in the day 😂😂😂

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Preteen me vs me now

The only inaccuracies here are the lack of preteen me’s “flippy-outy hair” (you know the one lol) and my quarantine hair ain’t cute like that LOL

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preteen vs now
i don’t even remotely have the same natural hair, eye, or skin color anymore bitch said palette swap

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Preteen vs now?
Scared of everything at like 12 vs. Can and WILL get into a fight at 26
Also some other changes happened I guess

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preteen me vs me now

ok funny guy that's IT [leses your bian]

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Preteen vs now!!! ✨💖✨Way more myself~ not forced to be “girly” Happier in my own skin 🥰

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da preteen me vs current me thing i’ve been seeing float around, i’ve done had a whole character arc

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Preteen me vs me now.
From impossibly quiet, shy, insecure and secretly horny to "Call me mami cuz I fucked your dad."

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Preteen me was an edgy little shit who discovered the internet too early and ... made a lot of mistakes. Current me is a lot better, even with my ups and downs. :)

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🖤🎃 Preteen me vs now 🎃🖤

Went from smart, nerdy and a twig to a thicc spook-brain weirdo 🎃✨

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preteen me vs now ... gettin those goddamn braces off really changed the game huh

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Preteen me vs now
-CreepypastasTM and filthy weeb
-Parents most likely would've been happy selling me to a circus
-Hair was starting to get long af
-"Pain is hilar i o u s"

-now did a full personality flip, i'm boring now-
-hair is way shorter, gained muscles, HEIGHT GOT SHORTER

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Preteen me vs me now

Used to have long hair that basically looked black because no highlights. Basically emo in denial. Freckles were more visible then and eyes were more green

Now I am business casual ace who is still edgy. My eyes change color so lot more colors now

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preteen me had a side ponytail, wore t-shirts that said shit like “reformed emo kid” and naruto ran in PE

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