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HONOR RISING:JAPAN 2019 2月23日第1試合からグレシャムとZSJのマッチアップを描きました。まさに"Fight forever!"

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【残席情報】ROH TAE HYUN 1st FANMEETING 'biRTHday party'

2019年 3月 1日(金)17:00  B区域 1列


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When it comes to editorial illustration, Jungyeon Roh is one of the best. She's incredible at capturing human nature in witty and intelligent ways.

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roh ding, Jacke wird anders coloriert, shading kommt noch...Ist ein komplett anderer Charakter - siehe Ziggare/Kinn - soll aber mit Theodor verwandt sein aber das sieht man ja an der Melone... :D (sollte ursprünglich Theodor-?fan?art werden) ...Name steht schon fest

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Ruh roh, this was supposed to be a warmup.

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あと、これに “ こち亀 ” も加わえて。そういえば劇場版アニメ『 人狼 JIN-ROH 』も主人公が所属する特機隊は首都警と呼ばれる警察機関にあり、これも警察が舞台だといえる。{ ちなみに、そのジャンルに入りそうな “ 攻殻機動隊 ” は内務省公安部にある攻性の組織 ( 特殊部隊 ) なので警察ではない。}

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Jin-roh – The Wolf Brigade Storyboard Book Review
人狼 沖浦啓之絵コンテ集 - https://t.co/0NTkuD1ogI

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Post 3 drawings meme. From the beginning, middle and end.

Beginning: Rocky Ramos Noir
Middle: Jin Roh
End: The Phantasm

Monochrome with a hint of red.

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✨Hey Kings & Queens!✨ Wicked awesome New T-Shirt available at the ! ✨ My FIRST shirt evaaaa designed by the lovely talented & sweet ! ✨ Let’s sell these bad boys out!✨🔮👑✨ https://t.co/a5hoCRkQGt

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Dukacita dimaklumkan pelumba negara, Mohd Hafiz Nor Azman disahkan meninggal dunia selepas mengalami kemalangan ketika beraksi dlm pusingan 10 Kejuaraan Cub Prix AAM Malaysia PETRONAS 2018.

Salam takziah & moga roh Allahyarham ditempatkan dlm kalangan orang beriman. Al-Fatihah

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I really missed drawing Roh, she's like my first gijinka OC :')

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Watched Jin-Roh this weekend. Such a strong story. The sound design, art style, and animation are really impressive too. Definitely one of the best anime-movies I've seen.

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Having been wrongfully exiled from her homeworld, Tar'roh wandered the universe as a drifter until crash landing on Earth. At first annoyed by humans' primitive and simple natures, she grew to love their compassion for one another, a concept foreign to her planet's kind.

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House of 1000 Horses

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World 6Man Champions
Congratulations The Kingdom

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