Preview 's 'Psychedelic-Science-Fantasy-Action Drama ' PROXIMA CENTAURI

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Hi twitter! I'm Lin, a film student from Australia, slowly developing my illustration skills. Currently in the scripting/development stage for an original science-fiction webcomic, A DEAD WORLD DREAMING.


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My friend 's Kickstarter for a pretty swell science-fiction comic is in the last day. Compelling story, beautiful art. Let's get it over the top, shall we?

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Il y a 3 ans signait la couverture de mon livre GÉNÉRATIONS SCIENCE-FICTION aujourd’hui il signe l’affiche du nouveau BRAVO PAUL 👍👍

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Hello I'm Rosy, a French freelance illustrator who compulsively draws pretty robots and old-fashioned Science-Fantasy stuff ! I'm currently working on an animated novel !

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🕰️ Nouvelle série pour avec le titre RE:TEEN un récit de science-fiction dont le 1er volume sortira le 4 avril prochain

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Nouvelle critique sur TER, tome 2 : Le guide de Christophe Dubois sur Babelio : "Rodolphe et Christophe Dubois proposent la suite de cette saga de science-fiction prévue en trois to..." via

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Marks favorite comic book hero, Science-Dog!

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2. Cryptid hunting, science-hippie Avery Kowalski. She's leader of the Astronomy Club and has a thing for ETs. Her hobbies include wallowing in the filth of her own room, monster dating-sims, studying physical science, rock collecting, ect.

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OUT TODAY: '#Anxiety is Really Strange' - the graphic comic explaining anxiety and how to manage it - buy your copy here:

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Thought I would do something for . Frankenstein was an amazing novel written by female author Mary Shelley in 1818. You could almost call it one of the first science-fiction novels ever written!

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This was a groundbreaking work published in Shojo Club back in 1962. According to Ishinomori, vampire stories were uncommon in Japan at the time. The plot is also a mix of different genres, including horror, romance and science-fiction, one of the trademarks of his shojo stories.

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A change from the usual science-ey images, a quick drawing done for a friend of mine. The majestic slothicorn of birthday wishes! ✨

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Last couple of illustrations for Nature Outlook's feature about women's health. These two focus on clinical trials and microbiome diversity. I feel like I have a lot of science-based knowledge now! Here is the whole series:

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I'm not sure what Pidge is upset about, something science-y, timey wimey wibbly wobbly space time continuum battery related stuff I assume.

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What's a synchrotron got to do with science-art collaboration? Find out this October with

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visualization of science-fiction and space : Interview with Christian Hecker, Please share

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Hush……You will zip it right?
For science-nerd lovers and maybe……Microscope lovers! New poster and post card coming up!

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Il y a 40 ans sortait dans les salles US mon film préféré de science-fiction : Star Wars. Que la force soit avec vous !

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How to Create a Retro Science-Themed Icon Pack in Adobe

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