Shelby and her chat (that's my persona design for Shubchat) waiting for the Gligar egg on top of the Nether be like...

2 25

When you come up with more ideas, you just can't stop.

Yup, here is Part 6 of my Shubble AU's!

(Nurse!Shelby - Gizzy's Friday the 13th Roleplay Chapter 2)

(Apocalypse!Shelby - SGCBarbarian's Crafting Dead roleplay. She is the only Shelby with blue eyes)

2 15

Hiya Shelby! I just wanted to let you know that I love and appreciate you! Have a great day!

4 42

This is Shelby's Capitalist!Villain Arc, so why not add Void Shubble into this drawing?

Watch out Speedy, Shelby's got a dark side on her side, lol.

3 28

It's insane to think I made 42 different Shubble AU's, honestly. I originally had 32, then I ended up adding more, and that brought me to 42 lol.

Who do you guys like the most of all of them?

(Part 5 will be linked in thread)

0 16

Shubble AU's: Part 5! (Finale Part)

I was originally gonna make 6 parts, but I gave up and decided to just bring two more of the AU's I had on part 6 over to part 5, rather than making another part, lol.

Who do you guys think is your favourite of these 10?

2 11

Trivia Office Portraits? Yes.

I wasn't sure if they wanted their characters in business attire or just normal clothes, so I made both options, lol.

3 16

I was going to do more with this, but i'm happy with it!

I present to you... The Salt Squad!

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Shubble AU's: Part 4!

(Yes I did post that drawing of the Shubble and Lilshortysgs fusion before. I just copied and pasted her over. Maybe her hair got messed up while they were fusing? Lol)

Who do you guys like best out of this batch?

3 20

I might have messed this up a little bit, but I wanted to draw Shelby on her bike from yesterday's Pixelmon Stream.

2 22

Shubble AU's: Part 3!

Void Shubble exists in the Original AU, but in the AU listed, Shelby is only Void Shubble, if that makes sense.

The Lilshortysgs AU is basically an AU where Shelby never became ShubbleYT.

Feel free to let me know who you like best!

2 21

Shubble AU's: Part 2!

(This may be extended to 6 parts, since I thought of some other AU ideas for Shelby)

3 61

Shubble AU's: Part 1! (There will be 4 parts to this)

4 46

Wilbur trying to help Shelby with Trivia.

(Wilbur is in ghost form. The necklace I drew on Shelby is the only way she is able to see or hear Wilbur at that moment. Everybody else couldn't see him or hear him if they weren't wearing that necklace).

5 61

Really liked the sweater and pose, so I HAD to draw it! Hope you like it!

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Rust Ghostby!! God knows how many times I tried to make this look right lol.

0 7

Did a speed drawing of hopefully i can finish the background soon💛

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All (Or Most) of Shelby's Roleplay Characters!

How many of them do you recognise?

(Do not mind my absolute fail of a wheelchair drawing lol)

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