画質 高画質

Triangle Strategy alcançou a marca de 1 milhão de unidades vendidas no mundo! Lançado em março para Switch e outubro para PC, sabemos que o Switch é o grande responsável pela marca já que no lançamento o jogo vendeu 800 mil unidades em 2 semanas sendo 200 mil no Japão/Ásia.

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📈 Ventes – TRIANGLE STRATEGY a dépassé le million d’unités vendues dans le monde. Cela inclut les ventes de la version Nintendo Switch + celles de la version PC sortie fin octobre.

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Triangle Strategy has officially sold over 1 million units across Switch/PC.

For a Strategy RPG, in under a year, that’s sensational.

One of my favorite games in 2022.

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Triangle Strategy has surpassed 1 million units shipped + digital worldwide!

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Triangle Strategy sales surpass 1 million units sold worldwide https://t.co/uiNcbmgoiv

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¡#AyakashiTriangle se alista para su estreno el 9 de enero con nuevo tráiler, imagen y más detalles!

⬇️ ¡Checa la nota!

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今固定ツイにされてる「今好きになる。-triangle story-」のカバーは低温で優しく歌い上げられてらっしゃって素敵ですので是非!

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nina the starry bride prime example of series with enjoyable plot but the way they shoved love triangle so hard into my face made me not able to stomach it. should’ve just settled it down as a subplot romance instead of making its presence so big.

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We got Haunter on the drums! Krookadile on the keyboard! Ampharos on the electric guitar! MIIIISSSTAA on the bass! Lastly, Shuckle killing it on the triangle!

Done with watercolor on arches 140lb cold press paper.

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Theory Time: The "Disk Pokemon" described in the Scarlet/Violet Book is actually Professor Sada/Turo's Time Machine.
Descriptions of it gleaming very brightly and shape resembling a disk definitely match, however inside of the time machine are triangles not hexagons.

31 441

També a la es va donar nova informació sobre un anime que no sabem massa bé com classificar, però hem sentit sonar fort el seu nom i a més s'estrena el pròxim 9 de gener: Ayakashi Triangle

Li haurem de donar un cop d'ull!! 👀

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74) Ayakashi Triangle T.1 (Manga Plus)

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Cyberpunk Vandal that pushes pixels instead of paint. Triangle eyed rats/possums are my icon telling stories of web3 and CryptoArt as a promise of change

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Además, nos ofrecen una nueva imagen promocional de este anime que podremos ver en 😉

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[Anime] Durante la 2023 se desveló un nuevo tráiler del anime de Ayakashi Triangle. emitirá el simulcast a partir del 9 de enero, mientras que publica el manga en España.


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⭐ NEW KEY VISUAL TV anime "Ayakashi Triangle" Broadcasting Begins on January 9.
(Studio >> CONNECT)

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"Ayakashi Triangle" anime new key visual (January 9 2023)

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