Opa! Eu sou a Annia, gosto de fazer uns desenhos que as vezes são fofos e as vezes não tanto.
Artistas incríveis pra vcs:

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Opa, tudo bom? Eu sou a Annia, meu maior passatempo é desenhar e ver tutoriais de desenho (scrr)
Aqui estão alguns dos meus filhos e uns artistas incríveis que eu amo:

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George Parker Bidder the `Calculating Boy' was born 1806. Child prodigy who worked with Robert Stephenson. Group portrait shows Bidder at Britannia tubular bridge. Proponent of electric telegraph and engineer for the Victoria Docks, London. https://t.co/Gc4f3jTfDm

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A General of importance to & was born on 13th June AD40. Happy Birthday Gnaeus Julius Agricola, Roman Governor of Britannia & founder of Trimontium in the He was born in Gallia Narbonensis (France). The water pipe is from Chester

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A little drawing of ’s mascot Britannia for tomorrow.

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Getting the most from your Kindle Unlimited subscription? Try Britannia’s Mission, or any other Dawlish Chronicles novel. If you're a Kindle Unlimited or Kindle Prime subscriber you can read it at no extra charge. Click: https://t.co/VbIwfTZzOt

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Ah, yes I remember, beelzebub, just as the lord of the flies looked in the famous game, shin megami tensei: nocturne. Starring Dante from the devil may cry series. Spitting image.
(Lucifer's Call if you live in Britannia)

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HMS Britannia (1762) passing Mt. Edgcumbe in Plymouth Sound. She participated in the Battle of Cape Spartel, Genoa, Cape St. Vincent and Trafalgar. She was known as Old Ironsides long before USS Constitution.
Painting by John Thomas Serres (1759-1825).

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Bem, já que pode se divulgar, vou mostrar alguns dos meus filhos e sair correndo.
Eu sou a Annia, tenho 19 aninhos de tentativas de evoluir no desenho s2

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Um com minha Oc, Aoi! Ela é um demônio ceifador que gosta de roupas Lolita.
-Use e me marquem ()
-Se acharem o design do vestido difícil, podem simplificar!
-Estão convidados a me seguirem!
Obg por tudo❤️

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New Post: PonyCONLINE: Britannia’s Birthday Bash This Saturday https://t.co/iBW2eD1Gow

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Crei que lo había publicado pero nel 😔✌️

Bueno aquí está este dibujo de una de mis OCs
Está chica se llama Hannia 😗✌🏼

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Izaya Orihara, Wei WuXian, Lelouch vi britannia, Dazai Osamu ❤️

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Opa, tudo bom? Eu sou a Annia, tenho 19 aninhos de tentativas de evoluir no desenho kkkk Esses são alguns dos meus "filhos" favoritos <3

Minhas artistas favoritas são;

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- Chairwoman
- Moana
- Anita
- Akiza Izinski
- Ashley Yakamura
- Diamond Lioness
- Pollensalta and Scarlet
- Luna Sapphirestar
- Brooke Succubi
- Mem Aleph
- Euphemia li Britannia
- MONTH PIC: Chun Li


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O meu que enrolei muito para o desafio da Mochi e da Annia.
1) na quarentena
Exatamente eu todo dia, o dia todo

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