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Did two commissions for the big alien pairings of Mass Effect~ Glad to see the love for Garrus and Tali still going strong ten years later.
The first god of the Recorded is complete, Carrus, the god of memories, pacts, regrets, and servant to Karma of the afterlife. Absolutely beautiful job done by @realYowhza and shows the years in the making this character has been to me.
for #StarWarsRebels Appreciation Week over on tumblr (link below)
Day 6: favorite dynamic
Kanan Jarrus & Hera Syndulla [🧵]
Trust us… he's more convincing than he looks!
Check out Silverline’s FRIAR RUSH at https://t.co/7FquoI7CJB
#makeminesilverline #silverlinecomics #comics #comicbooks #indie #indiecomics #indyplanet #friarrush
#aph #hws #aphrome #aphromanempire #hwsrome #aphturkey #hwsturkey
ладно, скину так уж и быть мужиков и пойду отдыхать на неделю-две
оригинальный арт от arruso17 (tumblr/instagram) справа, просто я слишком стонкс по мужицким шиппам
More pride doodles of my Shepards and their partners for life!
#MassEffect #kaidanalenko #garrusvakarian #Pride2021 #PRIDE
When you want fancy Mass Effect prints so you work on making your own
#MassEffect #kaidanalenko #Jack #garrusvakarian #urdnotgrunt #urdnotwrex #art #wip
And next up, Garrus Vakarian.
'Cus there's no Shepard without Vakarian.
I made the shade of blue here happen with a cheapy dollar store marker and lots of hoping it works. XD I need to invest in more blue markers.
He has a lot to offer…
Check out Silverline’s FRIAR RUSH at https://t.co/7FquoI7CJB
#makeminesilverline #silverlinecomics #comics #comicbooks #indie #indiecomics #indyplanet #friarrush
Pretty old Garrus redraw ~
#masseffect #MassEffectLegendaryEdition #garrusvakarian #fanart
Gaining unlimited power from a 15th century evil from running amok? Tempting...but he'll have to pass.
Check out Silverline’s FRIAR RUSH at https://t.co/7FquoI7CJB
#makeminesilverline #silverlinecomics #comics #comicbooks #indie #indiecomics #indyplanet #friarrush
Ganador, me encanta como me ha quedado este dibujo
Ay, es super cuqui I AM SO HAPPY! 💜🥺
Pues nada, este Shakarian va pa llaverín! Os gustaría? :3
#MassEffect #GarrusVakarian #Shepard #FemShepard #CommanderShepard #Shakarian
@masseffect Basically I somehow feel guilty not taking Tali everywhere I go! Usually alternating the second companion with Garrus or Liara.
Some cute Shakarian cuz I need something cute rn
#MassEffect #garrusvakarian #shepard #femaleshepard #shakarian
Don’t worry Shep I have flipped over the Mako many times myself
#MassEffectLegendaryEdition #MassEffect #garrusvakarian #femshep #talizora #mako