Botanical illustration and the park: The native flowers of New Zealand. Illustrated in colours in the best style of modern chromo-litho art, from drawings coloured to nature, by GB Hetley, 1888, BHL/NYBG....

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This is actually from a page in issue (5!!) of the CHROMOSOME 96 series. Yup, still a WIP.
The other piece is cover B for issue by the brilliant Andrey Lunatik (who quite sensibly doesn't waste time on this Twitter thing), with colors and added textures by

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A feat of paper engineering- Bookano Stories No. 2 by S. Louis Giraud (c. 1935). There were 17 of these volumes published between 1934-50. Printed using a photolitho process, they were cheaper than chromolithography used in earlier German movable books. Colours still bright today

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Happy birthday to Kiuchi Reiko, best known for her role as Motomiya Daisuke in reprising it in as well as Koromon in & Anna, Gottsumon/Monochromon, the youngest Hoi brother, & Daisuke's son in 02!


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Ich hab da mal einen neuen Banner für mich gebastelt.
Hier die 3 "Einzelkomponenten" ^^
Nur eins der possierlichen Tierchen ist mit Artist-Aquarellfarben gemalt, erkennt man Welches? Die anderen sind mit einem Anfänger-Set gemacht. Und alle mit Polychromos Buntstiften verfeinert.

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Blue Door illustration
Watercolor, Polychromos

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Just some colored images, I got the lines from google. I just wanted to color something, no stress and maybe even practice some things. I like how they come out and I hope you guys like it too 😊

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Red Apple


Watercolor, Polychromos

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Completo!A abertura veio à mente agora XD haha
Colorido com lápis de cor Polychromos (Faber-castell) e Marino (Cretacolor).
Ref.:fanart digital da artista

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almost all calico cats are female due to the X chromosome linkage of their colours.

Nubs is he\him

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Pencil, Polychromos

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For watercolour possibly by Jacques Hippolyte van der Burch (1786-1856) for chromolithographic plates in 'Traité des exhumations juridiques' 1831, a treatise by Mathieu Orfila (1787-1853) and Octave Lesueur (1802-1860). Gift: George Powell 1882

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En colo en triangles y avait ce rendu que j'avais testé, que j'aimais bien qui avait du potentiel, mais c'est INFERNAL à faire, avec une technique mouillée comme l'aquarelle c'est compliqué, mais aux polychromos c'est possible, donc je vais garder cette technique pour ce medium

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Fragmento de portada de una novela de la cual se imprimió sólo un 1 ejemplar. Un encargo privado de parte de un particular.

Técnica mixta con base de acuarelas, lápices polychromos y prismacolor y tintas aplicadas con aerógrafo y pincel según proceda.

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