Master Zira gived about zero shits when it comes to Bele. He also doesnt like the fact that they call Cassiel *their* angel.

7 45

Eris' form fades away as you defeat her. All that remains is a pile of salt, a ghost plush, a Razer Naga Hex oddly keyed to purple despite not being plugged in, and her sweet leather jacket.

You're pretty sure you hear distant cursing as you put it on... 😨

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cursing in ancient Egyptian

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Ciao guys! Looks like cursing my ISP finally worked? I get no lost frames, i tested this multiple times during every evening. So i think we could do a game stream tomorrow night, and start the *animation stream* Tuesdays! 😄

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The year (I assume) is 2093. The earth (I assume) is a blasted hellscape. Humankind (I assume) live like cockroaches in the ruins of what we dared to call civilization, gazing up at the stars and cursing their hubris. And I have FINISHED LISTENING TO THE WAY OF KINGS!

2 178

where are the resources for good cursing cause i certainly dont know

1 25

Don't you just love to let loose and relax? You're welcome for cursing your timeline. *uwu*

3 15

I like cursing our Discord server.

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GBF Newbie: Full of optimism, eager to learn the game

Lv 150: Going through the M2 grind, cursing blue chests. Becomes very picky about who they add to FL

Lv 225: Exalted Wings, Pure Transcendence, Guider to the Eternal Edge. Leads a Dark Rapture private farming group.

670 798

This started as a warm up but like.... I love her... I'm hoping to play her at some point for a tabletop game! She's a rapper who's whole gimmick is being 'Creepy' and 'Cursing' her enemies. She's a hero, I swear!

4 12

me, a few months ago : i should not make a food related charm//
me, cursing myself :

1 3

PLANT NAMES FOR CURSING Bloody crane's-bill; Bastard toadflax; Devil's bit scabious; Fiddle dock; Nipplewort; Spotted me-dick; Stinking Iris; Hoary cress.
Images: Vintage witch & witch's tree invite for ooh not long now darklings!

36 108

Allow me to explain the boos and the bees. It involves screaming, cursing players by spectating them, and your hubby swearing on stream because you didn’t turn on the lights.

5 228

Mini review! Mimi's Mini Comics by Mikiko. silly autobio Webcomics made into a book by very cute! Love the round style. Small amount of cursing and mild nudity. Can read these online :)

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. ​’s stream is both 100% cursing and blessing.

I almost had a spongebob BG for one of the commission pieces and Sans from Undertale for the other one back in 2018. Highly recommending everyone to come join in her streams 👍

2 75

Tried to go out of my comfort zone to get some experience(on subject and style). I’ll make this a thread but I don’t like how the others are turning out (They’re essentially YCHs but with slight changes). Here’s oso for now. I’m sorry for cursing your eyes.

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