18 Ramadan - KENANGAN

Teringat zaman kamu sangat nakal, nakal nakal nakal? manusia biasa awam memang tak lari dari lakukan dosa, so taubat la tiap kali terkenang.. 😢

Rasulullah SAW yang maksum tu pun sehari bertaubat 70 kali, kita ni.. (ref. HR Bukhari)

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something for glimmeringalder on artfight from last year.. i like it

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You can’t be an asshole the whole year then compensate with an expensive Valentine’s gift. You don’t love her/him if you can’t show it everyday. Words mean nothing, so does your gift. ✋

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Hello! Kim/ ash here to tell you im opening up emergency commissions! since im running low on cash cause of school! please fill free to DM me here on twitter or send me a email at the.wonderingartist.comissions.com or check out my other social media websites listed in pic 2

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