>ねむねむL兄さんと布団に入るロボと怒るRとそれを遠目から見ながら仲良いなってほっこりしてる俺 いませんか…? https://t.co/mAq2QzM7Oa いました ありがとうございます

1 13

Wanted to draw more ocs! Check out the cutest girl gang! 🥰
Thanks ⁦⁩ for enabling my fangirl nonesense!

4 15

>雨の中町をフラフラしてるお兄ちゃんを家に連れて帰るエンディング後の弟くんの漫画 ありがとうございます

2 10

son nobioz? aber besense

0 5

Camila Cabello Says Dating Shawn Mendes Has "Desensitized" Her To Public Opinion

0 0

>毛布でグルグルに簀巻き状態にされてそのまま抱えられてくスズキをお願いします https://t.co/X5kH0bvNsy ありがとうございます

2 13

>リッキーにめちゃくちゃ弟子入り志願されるL・スズキ https://t.co/wPsJBa2boV ありがとうございます

5 25

Still feeling tired 😫....it’s my own fault as I binged watched horror films yesterday, which was the stupidest idea ever >.>

So may have to desensitise myself!!! With lots of cartoons as such lol 😂

2 8

>磁石が体に付きまくって困惑するスズキ https://t.co/puvYFFrqja ありがとうございます

0 14

kinda wanted to see her wearing this... so...

978 5115

Oh, hecks yeah! Lucha-Tome is looking awesome.

0 0

>Lおにいさんもっとください https://t.co/52zJ3BNx0c ありがとうございます

2 19

Mario Kart is desensitizing our youth to heads exploding and brain matter flying out, disgusting.

6 21

I am always trying to convey something that can’t be conveyed, to explain something which is inexplicable, to tell about something I have in my bones, something which can be expressed only in the bones.

-Franz Kafka,
Letter to Milena Jesenská

Paul Delvaux

19 28

What my digital nonesense yielded earlier tonight. Maybe ggoing to do more on her? Maybe make her a sticker?

0 1

Heute eklig im Die Riesenspinne
(und ein extrem doofes Wortspiel gibt's gratis dazu. Wer es findet darf es behalten. 😁)

1 15

I have watched the last episode about 20+ times just trying to desensitize myself from being sad. It's strange how I am having so much difficulty with seeing our ponies grow old. I haven't cried this much in my live and I figured out why. I was in love. I have grown to love this

1 4