fingertip pushups
a treatise on discipline, by koganegawa kanji.
1.8k genfic, for day 1: first-years

20 29

(Takamichi LE/GR) Hide your secrets in your fingertips

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infinite power at my fingertips

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...It’s reaching through my mind, our fingertips collide; You hold me so tight, asleep within your sigh...

4 18

If Coal’s body was warm as a human, it was practically a furnace now, warming his chilled skin instantly. He could feel his pulse thundering under his fingertips, as rapid as its own.

“Pretty dramatic huh?” He says with a smile.

0 11

Ooh no! Been there,done sucks so bad
Especially fingertips,Sorry
Ice water, lidocaine & time, that's the only cure
Know what I do? I put a piece of stiff velcro on the cord& tool,& lil soft pieces on the table here& there to anchor it to
Hugs to make you feel better

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Celebrate customer heterogeneity 🤝 First you can get better at identifying where your existing customers fall on the spectrum, from highest to lowest value. 🙏 We have so much data at our fingertips about our customers that there’s…

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During the have picked up on like never's been a for them! With knowledge at their fingertips. Now investing in the is a little less scary

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Clone leech queen Inomi- couldn't decide on her fingertip color

3 18

anime characters really just be biting into their skin and drawing blood , like nbd.

so many shounen protag powers activated by gnawing off their own fingertips. who decided that trope???

1 12

I wwas planning on doing a new layout on my main and
aaaa fingertips with the ink color thingy,,,

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The OC vs The Creator 👁👄👁

Jumpin' on this bandwagon. OK fingertipping until I die. Surprisingly not in a onesie. A miracle.

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「The Key to the Gate」

"The Silver Key held in my hand, materialized from the void and touched by these fingertips. God, the Father. Pass beyond the sleep of roses, and arrive at the Final Gate."

//New to character and verse

//Independent Portrayal

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to the prey that waits beyond my fingertips: [ ]

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I have a lil bit of a problem with chewin on my fingers and lips, so I ordered a chewy stim necklace recently! I'm super excited for it to arrive and to stop destroying my mouth and fingertips hehe

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