Mars gave me a new boy and I wuv him,,,
I've named him Grandeur and he's a (proud) mess who also leads his own band. Said band m... might comprise of people dressed up to look just like him bUT WHO'S TO SAY
(original design by I just gave the bun a "human" form )

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💮© LôU ( ) × Creativity. .

0 3

Rakuten a annoncé les détails de deux loteries qui débuteront le 17 Janvier. La loterie "premium" a pour premier prix des supports en acrylique grandeur nature, et comme autres prix des sacs à main en jean et plus petits supports.

Site officiel :

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Only in can you use one word to describe the grandeur of the 1893 World's Fair: "Gesamtkunstwerk," a total work of art. Learn more in our "Pictures from an Exposition" exhibit--now open and FREE to visit!

5 20

This is The halo of history, the art of architecture and the grandeur of glory.

23 46

And such too is the grandeur of the dooms
We have imagined for the mighty dead;
An endless fountain of immortal drink,
Pouring unto us from the heaven's brink.

- Endymion
Born 1795

Sydney Long - The Spirit of the Plains - 1914

99 84

Grâce à l'appli Wankul creator j'ai pu me faire un wankul. Me voilà donc.
Axel de sa grandeur suprême

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Salut les amis,
Que diriez vous d'une immersion au coeur d'un rêve grandeur nature ? Aujourd'hui la team Endorah vous propose un batiment inspiré d'une structure réelle.

Je vous présente : La Rêverie



14 57

isn't complete without The legendary Battle of Hydaspes in 326 BCE immortalized King Porus, his cavalry & heavily-armed have spawned many depictions of grandeur that help legacy live on.

0 2


I got a tan line from my bathing suit

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Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, text and images are strictly prohibited. All Rights Reserved.

5 30

Emanon available at <grandeur>
Pull up show us some love!

Tell your homies!

9 7

Gilgamesh's personality reminds me of my own delusions of grandeur.

Also as both a player and a judge/TO, I think getting "I am the rules" on a T-shirt is fitting.

0 1

My for episode 17: "Sweet Victory". I really felt the John Woo doves and mic drop were critical here for grandeur. Experimenting with effects prevents me feeling feels Sam and Ashley make me feel why I have a cold sterile heart insiiiiide whyyyy

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La reine Hatchepsout sera de retour pour affirmer sa grandeur dès le 3 mai chez Ki-oon Éditions​ avec la publication du 4e volume de Reine d'Égypte ! ⚖
On a terriblement hâte. Et vous ?

4 21

Miss Claire, the Queen of the Cats!
(or so she thinks...)

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