ollie punches homophobes

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Me, blocking every homophobe and transphobe i see while resisting the powerful urge to throw hands

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🏳️‍🌈Happy Pride!🏳️‍🌈
It’s time to proudly kiss my partner and piss off the homophobes!

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Whitney Houston (1963-2012) - “Whitney’s husband Bobby Brown was/is trash & if it weren’t for him & homophobes Whitney would still be alive today & would be in a happy relationship with her best friend & assistant, Robyn Crawford, who she had a romantic relationship with.” - me

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[#TousEgauxTousAlliés] En France, plus d’une personne sur 5 a déjà subi une agression dans sa vie. Cette semaine, on revient sur les insultes et les agressions que subissent de plus en plus de personnes homosexuelles >> https://t.co/24osP4QEcg

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Non toute votre "com" à coup de bad buzz sexistes, racistes et bien sûr homophobes est totalement calculée et assumée par votre co-fondateur Thierry Veil qui s'en vante à longueur de conférences. Les consommatrices et consommateurs savent à quoi s'en tenir. 🚮🚮🚮

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here's arabella! she's compassionate and serious, wielding a stick to beat racists and homophobes with! she Loves Girls!!

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sometimes i get the urge to like warriors again and then i make a warriors oc
this is leafshade she killed her dad because he was a homophobe
she loves her girlfriend and wants to be deputy so she can fuck shit up (in a good way

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Zeitgleich: der schwule Jens Spahn verteidigt homophoben Witze stehen 3 Neonazis vor Gericht, weil sie das 17. Opfer rechter Gewalt in Sachsen zu Tode gefoltert haben, weil es schwul war. Blümchenthemen eben.

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me when i see terfs, racists, homophobes, etc posts:

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We tried but Trump set us back with his wall propaganda, hate speeches and now the racists and homophobes are getting brave☹

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I'm happy to see continuing to trend and homophobes continuing to rend their garments and gnash their teeth! It's a win-win!

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axel be beatin' them homophobes for almost two years now

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Just woke up from a dream I had,
where and IDW (da nya) were exterminating homophobes

what does that mean

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Stinky bug boy says no transphobes or homophobes allowed

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Je pensais jamais que je ferais un tweet comme celui là mais ça n’arrive pas qu’aux autres: j’ai été victime d’une agression homophobe hier soir dans le 15e arrondissement de Paris parce que je portais du make-up 🙃

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Buy this book, make homophobes angry.

(Writing is better than the art, I promise.)


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my hobby is shipping characters that make homophobes vaguepost about me
full res: https://t.co/aHEbeZ8Sao

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We found some extremely funny pulp fiction and romance novel covers. We were WHEEZING. I didn’t even post the worst/funniest one, it’s too bad and too risqué for my Twitter. It’s called “Santa Claus Conquers the Homophobes.” 🎅🏼

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