Fin dall'alba dei tempi a Darnimar esistono forze oscure che nell'ombra hanno atteso con pazienza il momento giusto per ritornare e riportare sciagura e caos nel mondo....ed una di queste è Solomon Longan ⚔️

Buon Halloween! 💀🩸

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Hello, i'm machfudz - a freelance illustrator specializing in Mascot & Gaming logo illustration from Pekalongan, Indonesia.

Check out my bio if you interest in my work

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my art for
Cole Longanecker - The Mask Cracks (featuring Yikii)

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A project about fragmented metamorphosis
art direction by me 👋🌿
features by Yikii, Digiaches, and Tuchscreen
September 29th! 🐾😱

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“超ロンガン“ーThe Longans

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A Vulkan called Spock, who served as an officer on starship USS Enterprise. Spock gave us catchphrase Live long and Prosper as a Star Trek Spock cursor.

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Waduh dibutuhkan P3T segera, Pertolongan-Pertama-Pada-TSKR

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nyolong di tl, maap aku nyolongan :"))
kalo nggak flop aku batesin 10 aja karena emang universe sama karakternya belom begitu mateng wkkwkwkw 😭😭👌
anggep aja ngintip dikit ke blueprintnya mereka wkwkkwkw

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• Oczinha nova 💗 •

- Sim, outra oc pra encher o saco kk
- As informações dela está no desenho, mas decidi que ela vai falar prolongando o "S" só pq é uma cobra e pq eu acho adorável 😳🙏

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Antara hikmah bersedekah/menderma ialah untuk beri kesempatan kepada golongan miskin merasai nikmat seperti orang kaya.

Dengan setiap wang ringgit yang kita dermakan itu, diharap terhapusnya perasaan iri hati golongan bernasib baik & menghilangkan sifat bongkak golongan kaya. 😊

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I love her so muuuuch


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Mau kasih nilai berapa nih buat fan art yang satu ini? Lain dari yang lain, kerennya ngga ketolongan😂👏

(Sumber: FB Tosan Priyonggo P)

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A cutie for a cutie thattookwaytolongandIhopecameoutnicelyy(0///0)

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