If you plan on adopting a Scalepup, these guys will greet you in the Nursery! I hope to start creating more NPC's for the group. Just- they're so cute, who wouldn't want one for a companion?

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Look at this cute creature. I made a pet for myself but honestly may create an original species of them. Would anyone be interested in adopting one?

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I made another bc I CAN; they're Petram Beasts and I'll give more info when it's not 3am goodnight

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Some of the unique animals that live on the planet Purret!

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My OC's and their fam, showing off their ginger-headedness <3

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Mothloties' concepts & NPCs /o/

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3/5 Lerbils are still available to be bought!

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New Species Idea! avian/dragon/canine thingies! with bright horns and legs!

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