画質 高画質

This is such a dumb idea, but I’ve been wanting to draw it ever since I got those amazing Claws of the Beast for Zito and Thancred’s my favorite NPC, so HE GETS THE SCRATCHIES!

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Here are characters I designed for a new comic idea, "In the Belly of the Beast"

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sketching this out made me realize this is a dumb idea, good night

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Me parece una buena idea, eso si, prepárate para el circulo vicioso del artista, que una vez que entres al mundo del arte te pasará MUY A MENUDO pero no te desanimes :D

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Thanks to giving me the idea, we got schoolgirl Genista~ Might do all of them hopefully soon for fun~

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Today's Half-Life Art is called Half Life Chibi - Series 1 by Stitchfan

I have no idea, nor do I care, what Chibi is but it looks fun.


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Fussing with our Ruby Sapphire piece, because I feel like the bg got messy and it wasn’t well-received. I’m literally making these changes with my finger on my tiny phone—so pls give feedback on overall impression, not butterfly quality.

First is new idea, second is before.

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I didn't have any idea what to choose for a character for this idea, so I chose Hector for some reason.

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just did an ''update pass'' on what i found out was my first actual piece of digital art, quite proud to see the progress i've been making the past year or so. on another note, not getting any sleep is a bad idea, dont be like me.

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I think we missed one great idea, which is replacing the ending video screen with the people on the elevator actually exiting it, but in this current year. "A warm welcome back to those of you who made it, and those out of time..."

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You ever have a terrible idea, but then feel you need to commit to it, just to prove you can?

What if I just... made daily little human ocs based on the elements of the periodic table... all 118 of them... LET'S DO THIS

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I saw someone combine characters, which I thought was a clever idea, so I mashed up these three witches from , K.Solorio (Insta) and nia_drawss (Insta). I'm exhausted now but it was fun lol. Yes, Cerberus became a shoulder/hat pet.

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GUYS!!! Im speechless, this was such a fun collab to do with the great .Yams told me the idea, then I did the sketch and she did the wonderful lineart/color! Go check her social media cos there are two versions of this drawing!!!:D

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Just a reminder that the first designs or drawings or even concepts you make for a game aren't the final. Ideas change over time and its okay. There's no rule saying you must stay with the first idea, asset, character, story ect.

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I know I've just tweeted a load, but life is short and I've drawn another
I'm working on some stuff, and I decided a succubus maid might be a rad idea, so here she is!

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Doodled a little something for
This was 's idea, but I've been wanting to draw your fursona for a while already too

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Hey , here’s a Reyn for the
I didn’t really have an idea, so here’s her laying against a rock, thinking bout whatever wolf girls think about

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No entro en el concurso por obvias razones pero aun así se me apeteció hacer el reto porque me pareció divertida la idea, y si, ya se que no se dibujar fondos..

Le tengo toda una historia montada a este bichito pero me da mucha pereza escribirlo ;"v

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Sketches I drew yesterday of ' idea, featuring my oc Lore and her jelly cat spirit

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Character designs and concept art for a client's animated pitch idea, "Bizarre Bazaar".

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