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Doctor Who 11th Docco out today, I got a 2 page backup comic in it. Here's a lil' preview

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I have TWO dimension-hopping comics out today!! RICK AND MORTY and DOCTOR WHO: ELEVENTH DOCTOR

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means new graphic novels are in! Not pictured: TPB and the Artist's Edition!

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means new graphic novels are in! Not pictured: TPB and the Artist's Edition!

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We've got some awesome tie-ins debuting tomorrow! Who's excited??

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Don't make this sorceress come after you. Pre-order Signed 3# now-> http://t.co/RJ92HfdhyZ :)

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Bitch Planet and all the other releases from are ready for you.

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Billy the Pyro Vol. 1 hits stores today! If you ordered it at your I'd love to see pics of your support!

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Happy Here are my most EXCELLENT picks this week! Yours?

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