画質 高画質

A lil late but guys! Inspired by Hikarin's Adekan shoot.

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Finally finishing this. I adopted Hikari from Nita--Chan @ Deviantart. I wanna wish everyone a super happy new years! May it be full of laughter and love <3
All you guys' support means the absolute world to me and I could never say or show my gratitude enough, thank you so much!

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ん? - Hikari Yamazaki

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One Hikari? 👀💜
(I feel like a bad person for put my own utau here x'D jajajja)

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Merry Christmas from KP Horse!
(Art By hikariviny)

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This weekend was nice, I had time to do a fanart of a cute girl ~
Here's Hikari from "How to date a Magical Girl" by

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出遅れました....。゚( ゚இωஇ゚)゚。
私にとってNumber Oneな君の声をこれからも聴かせてほしいな♥
カッキーの愛がモットーなので35歳になってもGood Luck♥

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Grazie a Bittbox per avermi messo fra i 21 profili d'istirazione in Instagram!! Felicissimo di essere citato insieme a Hikari Shimoda :)


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Después de la votación sobre decidí hacer una composición de y juntos para pegatinas, y aquí está el resultado 🌌💞

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I really liked your performance as Hikari in Keijo!

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Merry Christmas! - Hikari Yamazaki Christmas :halfexclamationmark: Christmas:halfexclamationmark::halfexc

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Patreon reward for "TechOrb" Featuring his original character "Hikari", daughter of Amaterasu. https://t.co/YcxWqpnyQm

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为了答谢中文版玩家的支持,HIKARI FIELD正式宣布,将联合Lump of Sugar共同制作游戏主创人员特别视频访谈节目!Lump of Sugar游戏制作人かわうそP、原画师萌木原ふみたけ及游戏中的部分声优将会参与本次的视频访谈节目。本次访谈的问题将向广大玩家进行公开征集!相关活动正在热情筹备中,敬请期待!

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今天是《游魂2-you’re the only one-》国际中文版发售1周年的日子。在这里我们感谢中文版玩家在过去一年对于本产品的热情支持与鼓励。谢谢大家!深鞠一躬。


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このHIKARI 灯し続けたい

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