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17 38

maam your bobbies look so heavy let me carry them for you

5 15

Mr dionysus I am looking respectfully 🍷💜

25 65

pov: you’re zagreus and you just dragged yourself out of the styx

28 59

Here's the boy himself; Zagreus-.

15 27

nyagreus and thanyatos.......

1 3

HEY SO, in , is Nyx the Furies' foster-mother or not? I could have sworn she was, but just checking up on the gamepedia page, it... Lists her as 'Boss' while Zag, Than & Hypnos are her 'Colleagues' AND. IDK IF I'M REMEMBERING WRONG OR IF IT STINKS OF FANPOL NONSENSE.

0 0

непреодолимое желание мемасить по

23 150

Page full of hypnos shitpost

3829 8012

ah, my favorite underworld death-dealer

5 11

best girl Dusa 💕🐍💕

1 12

zag laughing? and being happy? please? please??

8 28

current mental state: catching fish in asphodel while surrounded by boiling magma

1 18