画質 高画質

Au Ra scale and horn practice. Reference complimentary of my FC leader 👍

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Was reitet da am Horizont? Es ist.. das Redemption-Horn :3

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I can just pop in and out of right?? lol pls excuse my shotty ass marker job and the wrinkle in the paper. drew ‘s charming bard boy. I know it’s a french horn not a saxophone but just imagine he’s playing careless whisper

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Horn brothers × Men's

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I love Dynamic Banter so much!!!!
100 horn honk

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Not to toot my own horn but holy guacamole I’ve improved a LOT from last year.

Pink toned images (1 and 3) are from this year, and other two (2 and 4) are from this time last year.

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『ALL INDIES THE BACK HORN』のジャケットって、インディーズ3作のジャケットの絵がモチーフとして使われてるって、みんな気づいてるのかな?

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【🎨秋の予定】★10/25〜31「赤いドレスの女の子」展 at 静岡県沼津市和布工紡つぼみ ★11/10.11「ASIAN HORN FESTIVAL 2018」at 東京音楽大学※日本ホルン協会グッズの販売と似顔絵★11/18「イザワメイ&ツチヤヒトミのライブペイティング」at高円寺HACO★11/18〜高円寺ノラや「カレンダー展」です!

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thisis the horniest thing ive drawn since [truck horn blares as it drives by

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Heart-tentomon digivolve to Pretty Kabuterimon! This pretty warrior can stop her foe's hearts with her high voltage, Heartbreaker Horn! and the Lovely Laser that comes from her chest can cause enemies to go berserk! Hmm... isn't she supposed to be a hero? Well the pose is heroic!

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More miscellaneous stuff: me taking advantage of the whole Nox-vs-Lumos name reference, Berserk-Majin Nox, Mirayo with a crazy demon horn instead of the old DB helmet, and powered-down Shabbet pretending to be a Namekian in an awkward attempt at reconnaissance.

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Day 13 of and which the prompt is Guard Horn. I hope you guys enjoy!

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“Dear Agni, I lost my baby horn today! I hope my adult one is just as shiny. I wonder what the horn fairy will bring me.” Here’s Kai’s latest letter to Agni! Check account tomorrow to see what Agni writes back!

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all of the stuff I draw are low to mid-key horny but the important thing is to Horn Responsibly

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not to toot my own horn but also im proud of these so 📯📯📯📯

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not to toot my own horn but this is an incredibly good girl

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