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My 2019 Art Summary 🌺🌺 Template by roika-elfili on dA: https://t.co/FHwUSMbVWJ

It's close to the end of the year- time definitely flies by.
(°ロ°) !

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scratch the 4 and make it 3 artworks

I also had like a major art block that started in August and still didn’t end

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All I ask for next year is to be healthy so I can keep drawing.

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Art summary time! 2019 has been a year, and I feel I've gotten far more artwork done this year than previous years (motivated by panic mostly... fear of being lazy on zine stuff orz). Here's hoping 2020 is just as kind to me artistically.

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I've only really gotten back into sketching this summer but I'm glad that I did. These 4 are both my favorite and strongest pieces I've made this year! Looking forward to 2020 and making more then~

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art summary 2019 woo (do people still do these?)
started school in april so i really had to stretch to find stuff for those months orz
(the one for november was supposed to be an animation but the gif thing didn't work out so oh well)

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The end of 2019 marks the end of my 2nd year as a digital artist. I feel like I've learned a lot, but also still have a lot to learn. Thank you to every single one of you who has supported me this year! You're all breathtaking!

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my 2019 art summary! not much changed LOL but I hope to improve more next year! thank you everyone for all the support, you guys give me motivation 🥰🥺 (yes the layout is scuffed asjflds)

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Beginning of the decade vs the end of the decade. I haven't grown as much as some artists, but I'm still happy where I am compared to where I was, and I'm looking forward to how I'll grow!

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it's about that time for an art summary :o! my art has been through it this year but im happy with where it's ended up ;w;

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I made some great art in 2019. [thread]


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