画質 高画質

- His favorite food is hamburgers...A little too undercooked.
- He has a deep voice and acts like a frat boy usually.
- His favorite color is pink.
- He's good at sewing.
- His weapon of choice is his katana, Julia.
- He loves to bite things. People. Everything. Sorry Boss

0 4

Mfw I arrive home from work to see my boss charging his beam katana in front my wife with her mouth wide open (it looks like a No More Heroes reference!!!!)

109 651

Bout to have my Zoro moment with those 7 katanas. https://t.co/zGaQroDdAf

0 1

Our engineer knows how to handle katana as you can see 🔥🏯
4th 1/1 in the upcoming collection

16 37


Katana Devil ini tu trigger-nya apa deh kalau mau berubah? Kan kalo Denji narik tali gergaji di dada, Reze narik pembuka granat di leher, Quanxi nyongkel anak panah dari mata. Sender udh lupa kalo ini

6 194

«Masuku» 0.07 ETH🦋

The point is in the details. It is impossible to breathe in a polluted world without a mask, butterflies are part still wildlife and katana is a sign of resistance. And the landscape turns into smoke. I want man to live in peace with nature

7 39

Still robed in her blood-dyed geneknight regalia, the Saint of Katanas prowls through battlefields, searching for a worthy opponent able to surpass her swordsmanship. Followed by combat-worshipping adherents, she has as many hands and blades as is necessary to meet any challenge. https://t.co/fvhHrmGXiW

14 46

katana × YYC⭐️
✅ Follow

✅ ❤️ & RT

Yoshiki Yamazumi のパートナーになる
↓iPad giveawayしてます↓

79 82

6) Kanzaki Souma (Va: Kaminaga Keisuke)
-Paling bontot di aktsk
-Anggota Marine Biology Club
-Konon keluarganya kaya
-Bawa katana kemana-mana
-Dulunya kelas 2A sekarang 3B
-Manggil semua orang pake dono
-Kesulitan ngepronounce english word
-Circle: Kaori, Niki's kitchen, OCEANS

1 17

Is still a thing? Thinking about getting another one! Wanna do a community strength test first... Flex your katanas 🥷⚔️

24 231

What would your COLOUR OF MY SOUL! ¡[FUNKY KATANA]! spell look like?

15 196

This is fun

Her name is Edith and she’s cursed and it can’t be reversed, she has 2 katanas 👍

0 4

(✨️여우비님(@ Emiliana_katana) 커미션으로 신청했습니다.)
@함께 그려드린 꽃은 무궁화와 닮은 꽃, 부용화입니다.
부용화의 꽃말은 '행복은 언젠가 온다'로, 노력하는 영우와 잘 어울린다 생각하여 피워보았습니다.
너무 이뻐서 받자마자 비명질러!

3 5



Katana,Spear, and Musket!!!

1 2