A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - G is for Dorothy Lake Gregory Moffett (1893 - 1975) an American Illustrator ... She drew and painted “how children would imagine dwarfs, rabbits, roosters and all the heroes and villains of a child’s world.”...#IllustrationOfTheDay

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - G is for Dorothy Lake Gregory Moffett (1893 - 1975) an American Illustrator ... She drew and painted “how children would imagine dwarfs, rabbits, roosters and all the heroes and villains of a child’s world.”...#IllustrationOfTheDay

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A Random Alphabet full of Illustrators - G is for Dorothy Lake Gregory Moffett (1893 - 1975) an American Illustrator ... She drew and painted “how children would imagine dwarfs, rabbits, roosters and all the heroes and villains of a child’s world.”...#IllustrationOfTheDay

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ポール・セザンヌ『ペパーミントボトル』 1893 - 95年

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Folies Bergère: the Modesty of Monsieur Prudhomme (Folies Bergère: Les pudeurs de Monsieur Prudhomme), 1893 https://t.co/GQ7Xi58Q3Y

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, A Spectator, from Le Café-Concert, 1893 https://t.co/fTSDdVG1IE

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Paul Gauguin, Te po (The Night) from the Noa Noa Suite, 1893 https://t.co/3P1qygOQCo

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Les épines rouges, 1893, pastel © Odilon Redon

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ポール・ゴーギャン『果実を持つ女』1893年 エルミタージュ美術館

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Peder Severin Krøyer (https://t.co/gXOlF7ibCDøyer) Danish painter, 1851-1909
Summer Evening on Skagen’s Southern Beach, 1893

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Henri Fantin-Latour, Temptation of St. Anthony, 1893 https://t.co/a4xDM1NfI5

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Cartoonist Frank Willard, born on September 21, 1893. He created the newspaper comic strip Moon Mullins, which ran from 1923 to 1991.

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Charles E. Burchfield (American, 1893-1967)
The Mysterious Bird, 1917
watercolor, pencil and charcoal on paper

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Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Ducarre at the Ambassadeurs, from Le Café-Concert, 1893 https://t.co/iCn7E0p18b

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Starry Night (1893)

Edvard Munch's works -> https://t.co/kLrsHvlUBd

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