画質 高画質

Este es otro manga de esos que son tan simples que asustan, que tienen pretensiones absurdamente bajas por no decir inexistentes y un humor tan inmaduro e infantil que uno siendo un adulto no debería hacer tanto eco con el...pero ahí tienen un elenco redondo, completo y perfecto

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Fahrenheit 451 really inspired an absurd amount of great cover variants

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Tonight at 7 PM ET I'll be returning to the absurdity that is my Fire Red randomized nuzlocke. I've died and reset a bunch, and tonight might be no different, but it's fun either way. I'll also be talking about plans for this coming week to clear stuff up! https://t.co/oOVRrXbHAN

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roads of the absurd traveler with directions of no dictation.

5 32

Mais um vídeo exclusivo para membros do canal

Primeiras impressões, testes (absurdos!), review e um desabafo sobre o jogo de luta de Jojo... dei nota muito ruim

Tudo gravado nas lives secretas que ando fazendo na Twitch

A análise do game está aqui: https://t.co/QxVLxVXxcp

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that would be completely absurd and im repulsed you would assume such a thing


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Valentine's Lucina my beloved.

Hopefully my summoning for her when Valentine's rolls back around doesn't go as dreadfully awful as it did when she first released...that was absurd lol.

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Hello! I paint the absurdity and contradiction of the society we live in, but I also depict love, the most important value in life. I draw different themes in different styles. So my name is “SO MANY EGO” 👥🖼👨🏻‍🎨


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Quarta build da Turma da Mônica Jovem vai ser da nossa querida garota de vermelho com força absurda.

Mônica é valente, corajosa, muito forte e teimosa, ela é uma das primeiras a se arriscar pela turma sempre que algo acontece.

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oh this surely won't turn absurdly heterosexual at ALL

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Just watched this on Netflix. Gloriously absurd action sequences (the one with the CGI tigers etc is utterly epic), lots of twists and turns, some questionable acting. Would have preferred the Telugu original (hate anything dubbed) but great fun all round.

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Falando em IdJ
Eu tenho uma quantidade absurda de conteudo que eu precisaria terminar e postar da minha mesa.
Agora só falta a coragem pra começar 👀

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Pô mano sksksk fiquei olhando e achei muito engraçado esse design, mas parece mesmo, só que não mostra tanto, agora imagina o da foto aqui que absurdo:

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Everyone talks about Raita's absurdly thicc ladies but let's talk about when he draws shuten Douji.

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this design goes absurdly hard

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Agora que eu vi 😳
Fizeram um Doujin da Jacques de Molay
Obrigado Artistas 🙏🛐

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finished the niko fanart from the stream earlier :D
one of my favorite moments just because of how absurd it is

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One reason I’ll always prefer Gigantamax designs to Megas is the absurdity aspect. They were sitting around the design table literally saying “hey we should make this Pokémon an actual sniper”

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We will give you an absurd sushi.

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